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Postby tamatha204 » July 6th, 2008 5:58 pm


I'm a newbie! Learning Italian has been a fun challenge so far...but it's getting more difficult.

I was trying to form a sentence "perche sono una donna" (because I'm a lady) and my friend started to chuckle :lol: and said "beacuse that's the way God made you. She interpreted what I had said as "why am I a lady"

If "why" and "becasue" are the same word how does one use them properly so as not to get mixed up :?: :!: :?:



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Postby cinziag » July 7th, 2008 12:57 am

Dear Tamatha,

your topic is really interesting, because differently from the English, we have just one "perché"...
but you can dstinguish it in questions because the tone has to sound completely different.
Only by the context of the conversation we can understand if it's a WHY or a BECAUSE.

Probably for foregneirs giving the right tone to a sentence is more complicated, because we Italians have so many different tones when we speak, so it can happen that you are misunderstood, but DON'T GIVE UP and keep studying...

Thank you anyway for posting this question! :wink:

Ciao ciao


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