
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Consuelo: Ciao e benvenuti.
Marco: Marco here. Upper intermediate, season 1, Lesson #4. You Interrupted My Favorite Italian Television Show. Hello and welcome back to the italianpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Italian. I am joined in the studio by
Consuelo: Hello everyone. Consuelo here.
Marco: In today’s class, we will focus on the passato remoto tense of second conjugation irregular verbs.
Consuelo: This conversation takes place at Irene and Claudia’s parents home.
Marco: And it’s between Claudia, Irene and Davide.
Consuelo: They will be speaking informal Italian.
Marco: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Davide: Dai Claudia, abbassa la televisione!
Claudia: Va bene, hai ragione.
Irene: Mi passi il pane? Grazie.
Davide: Allora ragazze che fate di bello oggi?
Claudia: Mah, io sono stanca, ma salvo le energie per stasera. Io e l'Ire usciamo, vero?
Irene: Sì, a proposito, devo chiamare Filippo.
Davide: Uscite? Spero non torniate tardi. Ricordatevi, c'è la Prima Comunione di vostra cugina domattina!
Irene: Ah, già! Mi ero già scordata.
Davide: Vedi?! Ve ne eravate già scordate!
Claudia: Hey, hey, se non sbaglio al matrimonio dello zio io e Irene andammo con la nonna ma tu e la mamma arrivaste in ritardo!
Irene: Sì, sì, interruppero pure la cerimonia!
Davide: Che vergogna...
Irene e Claudia: Ah, ah, ah!
Marco: Let’s here it slowly now.
Davide: Dai Claudia, abbassa la televisione!
Claudia: Va bene, hai ragione.
Irene: Mi passi il pane? Grazie.
Davide: Allora ragazze che fate di bello oggi?
Claudia: Mah, io sono stanca, ma salvo le energie per stasera. Io e l'Ire usciamo, vero?
Irene: Sì, a proposito, devo chiamare Filippo.
Davide: Uscite? Spero non torniate tardi. Ricordatevi, c'è la Prima Comunione di vostra cugina domattina!
Irene: Ah, già! Mi ero già scordata.
Davide: Vedi?! Ve ne eravate già scordate!
Claudia: Hey, hey, se non sbaglio al matrimonio dello zio io e Irene andammo con la nonna ma tu e la mamma arrivaste in ritardo!
Irene: Sì, sì, interruppero pure la cerimonia!
Davide: Che vergogna...
Irene e Claudia: Ah, ah, ah!
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Davide: Dai Claudia, abbassa la televisione!
Davide: Come on, Claudia, turn down the television!
Claudia: Va bene, hai ragione.
Claudia: Okay, you're right.
Irene: Mi passi il pane? Grazie.
Irene: Can you pass me the bread? Thanks.
Davide: Allora ragazze che fate di bello oggi?
Davide: So, girls, what are you up to today?
Claudia: Mah, io sono stanca, ma salvo le energie per stasera. Io e l'Ire usciamo, vero?
Claudia: Well, I'm tired, but I'm saving energy for tonight. Ire and I are going out, aren't we?
Irene: Sì, a proposito, devo chiamare Filippo.
Irene: Yes; by the way, I have to call Filippo.
Davide: Uscite? Spero non torniate tardi. Ricordatevi, c'è la Prima Comunione di vostra cugina domattina!
Davide: Are you going out? I hope you won't be late. Remember, there's the First Communion ceremony for your cousin tomorrow morning!
Irene: Ah, già! Mi ero già scordata.
Irene: Ah, right! I'd already forgotten.
Davide: Vedi?! Ve ne eravate già scordate!
Davide: You see? You had already forgotten it!
Claudia: Hey, hey, se non sbaglio al matrimonio dello zio io e Irene andammo con la nonna ma tu e la mamma arrivaste in ritardo!
Claudia: Hey, hey, if I'm not wrong, at our uncle's wedding, Irene and I went with grandma. But you and mommy arrived late!
Irene: Sì, sì, interruppero pure la cerimonia!
Irene: Yes, they also interrupted the ceremony!
Davide: Che vergogna...
Davide: What a shame...
Irene e Claudia: Ah, ah, ah!
Irene and Claudia: Ah, ah, ah!
Marco: Hey Consuelo, is it frequent to see a person’s first Communion ceremony in Italy? I mean that ceremony that takes place in the church?
Consuelo: Sure it is. Don’t forget that Italy is a catholic country.
Marco: Right.
Consuelo: We always take part in these kind of family events, as I call them.
Marco: Ah I see.
Consuelo: From battesimo to matrimonio and funerale. We usually go to the church.
Marco: Oh battesimo is baptism. Matrimonio is the wedding and I guess funerale is funeral.
Consuelo: Exactly. Except funerals, these family reunions are all occasions to spend time eating together.
Marco: I remember a wedding party in Italy. I never ate so much like that in all my life.
Consuelo: I know. And the dinner or lunch is extremely slow.
Marco: True.
Consuelo: After a wedding party in Italy, you really need to diet.
Marco: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Consuelo: Dai.
Marco: Come on.
Consuelo: Dai. Dai.
Marco: Next we have
Consuelo: Abbassare.
Marco: To lower, to turn down, to dim.
Consuelo: Abbassare. Abbassare.
Marco: Next we have
Consuelo: Salvare.
Marco: To save.
Consuelo: Salvare. Salvare.
Marco: And the next word is
Consuelo: Comunione.
Marco: Holy communion.
Consuelo: Comunione. Comunione.
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Scordare.
Marco: To forget.
Consuelo: Scordare. Scordare.
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Zio.
Marco: Uncle.
Consuelo: Zio. Zio.
Marco: And next we have
Consuelo: Cerimonia.
Marco: Ceremony.
Consuelo: Cerimonia. Cerimonia.
Marco: And today’s last word is
Consuelo: Vergogna.
Marco: Shame, embarrassment.
Consuelo: Vergogna. Vergogna.
Marco: Consuelo, what word are we studying today?
Consuelo: The Italian word “già”.
Marco: As we’ve heard in the dialogue, già can have two different meanings.
Consuelo: It is a very useful word. So please keep in mind when you can use it.
Marco: Let’s try some examples.
Consuelo: First, già stands for already. That’s why it is often used combined with the past tense.
Marco: Si, passato prossimo.
Consuelo: As in ho già mangiato.
Marco: I’ve already eaten.
Consuelo: Ho già letto questo libro.
Marco: I have already read this book.
Consuelo: Già can also be used as a single word when answering to someone like già in this case stands for
Marco: You are right or it’s true.
Consuelo: For example, if I say oggi è proprio una bella giornata, today is a very nice day, you can simply answer by saying
Marco: Già!
Consuelo: Perfect Marco. Grazie.

Lesson focus

Consuelo: Let’s take a look at today’s grammar point.
Marco: In today’s lesson, we focused on the passato remoto tense of second conjugation irregular verbs.
Consuelo: Second conjugation -ere verbs are often irregular at the first and third singular and third plural persons. Io, lui/lei and loro.
Marco: Any way, there are some rules that can help you.
Consuelo: Yes please listen carefully.
Marco: Those verbs ending in -cere
Consuelo: Like vincere, meaning to win,
Marco: In -gere
Consuelo: Like piangere, meaning to cry,
Marco: In -dere
Consuelo: Like ridere, meaning to laugh,
Marco: Or in -ndere
Consuelo: Like spendere, meaning to spend,
Marco: These take the ending in -si for io, in -se for lui/lei and in -sero for loro.
Consuelo: For example, vincere, io vinsi.
Marco: I won.
Consuelo: Lui/lei vinse.
Marco: He/she won.
Consuelo: Loro vinsero.
Marco: They won.
Consuelo: And piangere.
Marco: To cry.
Consuelo: Io piansi.
Marco: I cried.
Consuelo: Lui/lei pianse.
Marco: He/she cried.
Consuelo: Loro piansero.
Marco: They cried.
Consuelo: Ridere.
Marco: To laugh.
Consuelo: Io risi.
Marco: I laughed.
Consuelo: Lui/lei rise.
Marco: He/she laughed.
Consuelo: Loro risero.
Marco: They laughed.
Consuelo: Spendere.
Marco: To spend.
Consuelo: Io spesi.
Marco: I spent.
Consuelo: Lui/lei spese.
Marco: He/she spent.
Consuelo: Loro spesero.
Marco: They spent.
Consuelo: Now let’s continue with another group of irregular -ere adverbs. Those ending in double g -ere, -ggere, like leggere.
Marco: To read.
Consuelo: Or reggere.
Marco: To hold.
Consuelo: These kind of verbs take the ending with double s for io, -ssi, lui/lei takes -sse and loro takes -ssero.
Marco: For example, leggere.
Consuelo: Io lessi.
Marco: I read
Consuelo: Lui/lei lesse.
Marco: He/she read.
Consuelo: Loro lessero.
Marco: They read
Consuelo: Reggere.
Marco: To hold
Consuelo: Is io ressi.
Marco: I held
Consuelo: Lui/lei resse.
Marco: He/she held
Consuelo: Loro ressero.
Marco: They held and now the last group.
Consuelo: Sometimes in the passato remoto, the last consonant of the verb stem is doubled, as it happens for volere.
Marco: To want.
Consuelo: Io volli.
Marco: I wanted
Consuelo: Lui/lei volle.
Marco: He/she wanted.
Consuelo: Loro vollero.
Marco: They wanted.
Consuelo: Cadere.
Marco: To fall.
Consuelo: Io caddi.
Marco: I fell.
Consuelo: Lui/lei cadde.
Marco: He/she fell.
Consuelo: Loro caddero.
Marco: They fell.
Consuelo: Rompere.
Marco: To break.
Consuelo: Io ruppi.
Marco: I broke.
Consuelo: Lui/lei ruppe.
Marco: He/she broke.
Consuelo: Loro ruppero.
Marco: They broke.
Consuelo: And lastly sapere.
Marco: To know.
Consuelo: Io seppi.
Marco: I knew.
Consuelo: Lui/lei seppe.
Marco: He/she knew
Consuelo: Loro seppero.
Marco: They knew. And now the verb we heard in the dialogue.
Consuelo: Interrompere.
Marco: To interrupt belongs to this last group of irregular verbs. Let’s now see the conjugation for this verb.
Consuelo: Okay let’s start Marco. Io interruppi.
Marco: I interrupted.
Consuelo: Tu interrompesti.
Marco: You interrupted.
Consuelo: Lui/lei interruppe.
Marco: He/she/it interrupted.
Consuelo: Noi interrompemmo.
Marco: We interrupted.
Consuelo: Voi interrompeste.
Marco: You interrupted.
Consuelo: Loro interruppero.
Marco: They interrupted.


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Consuelo: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons.
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Consuelo: Lessons are organized by level. So progress in order one level at a time.
Marco: Or skip around to different levels. It’s up to you.
Consuelo: Instantly access them all right now at italianpod101.com
Marco: Ciao.
Consuelo: Ciao a tutti.

