Vocabulary (Review)
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Learn essential Italian vocabulary for cities
Get this lesson’s key vocab, their translations and pronunciations. Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account Now and get 7 Days of Premium Access including this feature.
Londra |
Berna |
Firenze |
What do these words mean? Stick around. In this quick lesson, you’ll learn Italian words for cities. |
But first, do you know which Italian city contains a country within its borders? |
Keep watching for the answer at the end. |
Roma |
"Rome" |
[SLOW] Roma |
Roma |
Oh, the Trevi Fountain! It's so beautiful! |
Oh wow! Ok, let's throw a coin. |
Are you ready? |
On three, on three. |
One, two, three. |
Ok, Rome, see you again. |
Very soon. |
Ciao! |
Susan and Tom chat about travel destinations. |
Susan: Voglio visitare una città antica. |
Tom: Allora, che ne dici di visitare Roma? |
Milano |
"Milan" |
[SLOW] Milano |
Milano |
Milano, not only fashion, but opera, at La Scala, and art with The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. |
But don't forget, il risotto alla milanese! |
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! |
Susan and Oscar chat about famous cities. |
Susan: Quale città è famosa per la moda in Italia? |
Oscar: Milano è la capitale della moda in Italia. |
Firenze |
"Florence" |
[SLOW] Firenze |
Firenze |
Let's go to Firenze! Let's go! |
The heart of the Renaissance. |
Museums, galleries, art everywhere. |
You have to see it at least one time in your life. |
Andiamo! |
Oscar and Emily chat about travel destinations. |
Oscar: Amo l'arte. Dove dovrei andare? |
Emily: Firenze è famosa per l'arte. |
Napoli |
"Naples" |
[SLOW] Napoli |
Napoli |
Also the famous singer Modugno sings a pizza in Napoli. |
That is, Naples is pizza. |
Hi, hi, Neapolitan pizza? |
Jack and Steve chat about Italian cuisine. |
Jack: Quale città è famosa per la pizza? |
Steve: Napoli è famosa per la pizza. |
Parigi |
"Paris" |
[SLOW] Parigi |
Parigi |
h, Parigi, the perfect place to fall in love. |
Oh, Paris, my sweet croissant. |
Susan and Tom chat about their favorite cities. |
Susan: Cosa ne pensi di Parigi? |
Tom: Parigi è molto bella. |
Berna |
"Bern" |
[SLOW] Berna |
Berna |
Berna gets its name from an elegant animal. |
Bear-na! |
Jack and Steve chat about capital cities. |
Jack: Qual è la capitale della Svizzera? |
Steve: Berna è la capitale della Svizzera. |
Vienna |
"Vienna" |
[SLOW] Vienna |
Vienna |
Vienna is dance. |
Let's go dancing on this note. |
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-a! |
Steve asks Oscar a German question. |
Steve: Conosci il nome tedesco di Vienna? |
Oscar: Sì, Wien è il nome tedesco di Vienna. |
Berlino |
"Berlin" |
[SLOW] Berlino |
Berlino |
Well, planning next trip to Europe. |
Oh, I want to see a very beautiful city. |
So, what about Germany? |
Oh, the heart of Europe. |
Berlin, I'm coming. |
Beer, beer, beer, beer, yeah. |
Oscar tells Tom about a recent trip to Germany. |
Oscar: Ho visitato una città famosa in Germania. |
Tom: Era Berlino? |
Madrid |
"Madrid" |
[SLOW] Madrid |
Madrid |
Dreaming Madrid. |
Oh, a mountain of paella. |
No, no, no, no, no. |
Squisita. |
Lina plans a trip to Spain with Valentina. |
Lina: Dove dovrei iniziare il mio tour in Spagna? |
Valentina: Che ne dici di Madrid? Madrid è la capitale della Spagna. |
Londra |
"London" |
[SLOW] Londra |
Londra |
In London. |
Oh, wow, it's time. |
For my afternoon tea. |
Buono. |
Steve and Jack chat about famous landmarks. |
Steve: Qual è un famoso monumento di Londra? |
Jack: Conosci il Big Ben? |
Let's review. |
You'll see the words in English and your job is to say the words in Italian. |
Ready? |
Do you remember how to say "Rome"? |
Roma |
Roma |
And how to say "Milan"? |
Milano |
Milano |
How about "Florence"? |
Firenze |
Firenze |
Do you remember saying "Naples"? |
Napoli |
Napoli |
And how to say "Paris"? |
Parigi |
Parigi |
Let's try "Bern"! |
Berna |
Berna |
What about "Vienna"? |
Vienna |
Vienna |
Now, let's see if you remember how to say "Berlin"! |
Berlino |
Berlino |
Another one! What about "Madrid"? |
Madrid |
Madrid |
And finally, do you remember how to say "London"? |
Londra |
Londra |
Do you know which Italian city contains a country within its borders? |
It's Rome. |
Rome is home to Vatican City, the smallest country in the world. It is completely surrounded by the city of Rome. |
Vatican City is a special place where the Pope lives. It has its own stamps, money, and even a tiny army! Have you ever been there? |
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to practice these new words and phrases, and see you next time! |