
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buonasera a tutti!
Marco: Marco here. Newbie Series, season 1, lesson#43 - Engaging in Some Italian Gossip. Hello and welcome back to the ItalianPOD101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Italian! I'm joined in the studio by our lovely...
Cinzia: Hello everyone. Cinzia here.
Marco: In this lesson you will learn about the second of four different circumstances in which the futuro semplice is used.
Cinzia: This conversation takes place outside a bar.
Marco: The conversation is between John and Laura.
Cinzia: The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informal Italian.
Marco: Attention listeners, comment,
Cinzia: comment,
Marco: and comment some more!
Cinzia: It's easy,
Marco: and asking questions really helps improve progress.
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
Laura: Guarda c'è Steve.
John: Aspetta! C'è una ragazza con lui, sarà la sua nuova...
Laura: Fidanzata?
John: Sì, fidanzata.
Laura: Ma no. Sarà almeno dieci anni più giovane di lui.
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Laura: Guarda c'è Steve.
John: Aspetta! C'è una ragazza con lui, sarà la sua nuova...
Laura: Fidanzata?
John: Sì, fidanzata.
Laura: Ma no. Sarà almeno dieci anni più giovane di lui.
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Laura: Guarda c'è Steve.
Marco: Look, there's Steve.
John: Aspetta! C'è una ragazza con lui, sarà la sua nuova...
Marco: Wait! There's a girl with him, it must be his new...
Laura: Fidanzata?
Marco: Fiancée?
John: Sì, fidanzata.
Marco: Yeah, fiancée.
Laura: Ma no. Sarà almeno dieci anni più giovane di lui.
Marco: No way. She must be at least ten years younger than him.
Cinzia: There is another way to say fidanzata, what is it Marco?
Marco: Hmmm. Ragazza? Girlfriend?
Cinzia: Yes, but is there a difference in meaning?
Marco: Well, ragazza can also mean girl, right?
Cinzia: Exactly. Fidanzata is closer to the English fiancée. While ragazza is closer to girlfriend.
Marco: So why did we translate fidanzata as girlfriend in the dialog.
Cinzia: That is because both Laura and John were trying to stress that it might be a very committed relationship. And they didn't want to use the simple ragazza.
Marco: And maybe also because if we substitute fidanzata with ragazza, it may be confusing.
Cinzia: Yes it would sound like C’è una ragazza con lui, sarà la sua nuova ragazza.
Marco: Yes, sounds bad. And the verb fidanzarsi means to get engaged, so I guess fidanzato or fidanzata is used when there is a real engagement!
Cinzia: Bravo Marco.
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is
Cinzia: aspettare [natural native speed]
Marco: to wait
Cinzia: aspettare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: aspettare [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word is
Cinzia: ragazza [natural native speed]
Marco: girlfriend
Cinzia: ragazza [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: ragazza [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: fidanzata [natural native speed]
Marco: fiancée
Cinzia: fidanzata [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: fidanzata [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: nuovo [natural native speed]
Marco: new
Cinzia: nuovo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: nuovo [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word is
Cinzia: almeno [natural native speed]
Marco: at least
Cinzia: almeno [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: almeno [natural native speed]
Marco: And lastly
Cinzia: giovane [natural native speed]
Marco: young (singular)
Cinzia: giovane [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: giovane [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Cinzia: The first word we will look at is aspettare.
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Ho aspettato fino all'una, ma non è venuto.
Marco: I waited till one, but he didn't show up.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is ragazza.
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: La mia ragazza fa la designer.
Marco: My girlfriend is a designer.
Cinzia: Next, we have fidanzata.
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Non ho una fidanzata al momento.
Marco: At the moment I haven't got a fiancée.
Cinzia: Next, we have nuovo.
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Ho perso il mio nuovo cellulare.
Marco: I lost my new mobile.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is almeno.
Marco: And the sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Non vado al mare, ma almeno non devo lavorare.
Marco: I won't go to the beach, but at least I don't have to work.
Cinzia: And lastly, we have giovane.
Marco: And the last sample sentence is?
Cinzia: Quando ero giovane giocavo a calcio.
Marco: I used to play soccer when I was young.
Cinzia: And now you’re so old, you don’t play soccer anymore.
Marco: That’s actually true.

Lesson focus

Cinzia: The futuro semplice is used in four different cases.
Marco: Today we are going to take a look at the second one. That is, to express assumptions related to the present time. For example
Cinzia: Non vedo Giovanni, sarà ancora a casa.
Marco: “I don’t see Giovanni, he’ll be still at home.” Or, “I don’t see Giovanni, he must be still at home.”
Cinzia: Qualcuno sta suonando, sarà mia sorella.
Marco: “Somebody is ringing, it’ll be my sister.” Or, “Somebody is ringing, it must be my sister.”
Cinzia: Luca è in ritardo, sarà imbottigliato nel traffico.
Marco: “Luca is late, he’ll be bottled up in the traffic”. Or, “Luca is late, he must be bottled up in the traffic”.
Cinzia: As you can see in these examples the literal translation is subject + “will be”, but in the English spoken language we have
Marco: subject + “must be”, because as we said before, this is used to express assumptions related to the present time.


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Cinzia: Premium members don't forget to access the Premium Feed.
Marco: The Premium Feed is a powerful Web 2.0 technology which allows you to get all of our content through iTunes, with just a click of a button.
Cinzia: That includes the PDFs, conversation only tracks, review tracks...
Marco: Yep, everything.
Cinzia: To access the Premium Feed or to find out more
Marco: Visit ItalianPod101.com, and on the lessons page there is a Subscribe to New Basic or Premium Feeds Today graphic. Click on that, scroll down..
Cinzia: And click Premium Feed. It's that easy.
Marco: There is also a basic feed and Sample Feed, so you can test things out.
Cinzia: Alright.
Marco: Bye bye!
Cinzia: Thank you! Ciao!

