
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buon giorno a tutti! Mi chiamo Cinzia.
Marco: Marco here. Newbie Series, season 1, lesson 15 - Don't Let Your Italian Dream Become a Nightmare! Buon giorno a tutti! My name is Marco.
Cinzia: And I am Cinzia.
Marco: And we'd like to welcome you to the 15th lesson of the Newbie Series in Italianpod101.com.
Marco: So stay tuned!
Cinzia: Marco! When will you grow up!
Marco: Why? What did I do now?
Cinzia: You still play with macchinine!
Marco: Ahahaha ok, ok, you are referring to today's dialog! Yes I like to play with macchinine, “toy cars”.
Cinzia: (laugh)
Marco: The focus of this lesson is plural forms of the demonstrative adjective quel.
Cinzia: This conversation takes place in a toy shop.
Marco: And it’s between Luca and his mother.
Cinzia: The speakers are family members, so they will be speaking informal Italian.
Luca: Mamma, voglio quel pallone!
Mamma: Ecco.
Luca: Voglio anche quei giocattoli!
Mamma: Ecco. Contento adesso?
Luca: No! Voglio anche quelle macchinine!
Mamma: OK OK, ma poi basta!
Luca: Sì.
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Luca: Mamma, voglio quel pallone!
Mamma: Ecco.
Luca: Voglio anche quei giocattoli!
Mamma: Ecco. Contento adesso?
Luca: No! Voglio anche quelle macchinine!
Mamma: OK OK, ma poi basta!
Luca: Sì.
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Luca: Mamma, voglio quel pallone!
Marco: Mommy, I want that ball!
Mamma: Ecco.
Marco: Here you go.
Luca: Voglio anche quei giocattoli!
Marco: I want those toys, too!
Mamma: Ecco. Contento adesso?
Marco: Here you go. Happy now?
Luca: No! Voglio anche quelle macchinine!
Marco: No! I also want those toy cars!
Mamma: OK OK, ma poi basta!
Marco: Okay, okay, but that's it!
Luca: Sì.
Marco: Yes.
Cinzia: Marco, I really hope you were not like Luca when you were young!
Marco: Not at all, because you see, when I was in Kenya, I used to go back to Italy only once a year, and in that month of vacation I had to buy my toys for the whole year!
Cinzia: So what did you buy?
Marco: Well, because I couldn't take a lot of stuff back to Kenya, I chose, after a very long decision making, I chose micro-machines!
Cinzia: Oh yes! Micro-machines!
Marco: Do you remember?
Cinzia: Oh yes, I used to play with micro-machines also!
Marco: They were so nice, these small micro cars, toy-cars, so fun!
Cinzia: Yes!
Marco: Yes! I couldn't bring a lot of toys back to Kenya, so I chose the smallest one that could gave me maybe more playing time.
Cinzia: Oh! Poverino! Poor you baby!
Marco: Yes, and I used to just spend, I think, hours and hours, I think the whole morning. My mother used to just drop me in the toy-store and come back after a few hours, I wouldn't go anywhere else, because I was just looking at all the choices you had in Italy.
Cinzia: Ok...
Marco: What about you, Cinzia? Did you play with bambole when you were child?
Cinzia: I hate bambole, and overall I used to detest Barbie!
Marco: So you didn't have any dolls?
Cinzia: No, I didn't like dolls a lot, and because of the fact I had all male cousins...
Marco: Ah ah! Now we get it!
Cinzia: I used to play always with them, so always with macchinine, skateboard and so on.
Marco: Ok, ok... So this explains a lot of her aggressive character!
Cinzia: Maybe it does!
Marco: Ok, no more time for small talk, let's go forward.
Marco: Let us take a look at today’s vocabulary. First...
Cinzia: pallone [natural native speed]
Marco: ball
Cinzia: pallone [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: pallone [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: anche [natural native speed]
Marco: too, as well, also
Cinzia: anche [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: anche [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: giocattoli [natural native speed]
Marco: toys
Cinzia: giocattoli [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: giocattoli [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: contento [natural native speed]
Marco: happy, content
Cinzia: contento [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: contento [natural native speed]
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: adesso [natural native speed]
Marco: now
Cinzia: adesso [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: adesso [natural native speed]
Marco: And last word
Cinzia: macchinine [natural native speed]
Marco: toy cars (feminine plural)
Cinzia: macchinine [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cinzia: macchinine [natural native speed]
Cinzia: So now let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and expressions. The first word we will look at is pallone.
Marco: Cinzia, can you give us an example sentence please?
Cinzia: Il pallone rosso.
Marco: The red ball.
Cinzia: OK. The next word is giocattoli
Marco: Let’s have an example
Cinzia: Luca ha tanti giocattoli.
Marco: Luca has a lot of toys.
Cinzia: Next word is contento
Marco: One example please.
Cinzia: Cinzia è contenta!
Marco: Cinzia is happy! And why is that?
Cinzia: Well, it is such a beautiful day and as soon as we have finished recording I will go take some pictures.
Marco: Yes! Good idea! Good idea!
Cinzia: The next word we will see is adesso.
Marco: And the example is?
Cinzia: Adesso piove.
Marco: It is raining now.
Cinzia: The last word for today is macchinine.
Marco: One last example.
Cinzia: Voglio le macchinine!
Marco: I want the toy cars!
Cinzia: Ok then, this wraps it up for the vocabulary usage.

Lesson focus

Marco: In today’s lesson we shall learn how to use the plural forms of the demonstrative adjective quello, “that”, which was previously introduced.
Cinzia: As demonstrative adjectives have to agree with the nouns, they refer to in both gender and number, we shall learn today the masculine and the feminine plural forms, of the words used for the English equivalent be “those”.
Marco: Let's take a look at the patterns and how they are formed.
Cinzia: Use quei before a masculine, plural noun starting with a consonant.
Marco: For example…
Cinzia: quei libri
Marco: "those books"
Cinzia: quei giocattoli
Marco: "those toys"
Cinzia: Then, use quegli before a masculine, plural noun starting with -z, -x, -y, -ps, -gn, or -s + a consonant, or starting with a vowel.
Marco: For example…
Cinzia: quegli sbagli
Marco: "those mistakes"
Cinzia: quegli anelli
Marco: "those rings"
Cinzia: quegli uomini
Marco: "those men"
Cinzia: And then finally use quelle before any feminine, plural noun either starting with a consonant or a vowel.
Marco: For example…
Cinzia: quelle donne
Marco: "those women"
Cinzia: quelle uova
Marco: "those eggs"
Cinzia: So Marco, would you remind me what we had in the dialogue?
Marco: Well, sure, sure... We had quei giocattoli, “those toys”. So why did we have quei?
Cinzia: Because giocattoli is a masculine plural noun starting with a consonant.
Marco: Exactly, and we also so in the dialog quelle macchinine, “those toy-cars”. So why do we use quelle?
Cinzia: Because macchinine is a feminine plural noun.
Marco: Yes, I remember that quelle is used for any feminine plural noun, either starting with a consonant or a vowel!
Cinzia: Perfect, Marco!
Marco: Ok then.


Cinzia: That just about does it for today's lesson
Marco: Make sure you check out the Grammar Point in this lesson's PDF, which you can pick up at Italianpod101.com.
Cinzia: There's a wealth of student resources there, just waiting for you.
Marco: So have a nice day!
Cinzia: Buona giornata! Ciao!

