
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buongiorno a tutti. Mi chiamo Cinzia.
Marco: Marco here. Lower intermediate series, season 1, Lesson 5. Have You Had Your First Italian Kiss? With this series, we are able to offer more difficult content and more challenging topics for our students.
Cinzia: Yes and I can talk more Italian.
Marco: Also true, also true.
Cinzia: So join us for this lesson on italianpod101.com
Marco: And don’t forget to check out the learning center for additional resources for your studies. So in today’s lesson, Manuel and Frederick meet and – what, why are you looking at me like that?
Cinzia: Two new characters. I am so happy. They are two guys.
Marco: You mean, I have to read everything.
Cinzia: Of course.
Marco: Okay so just because of the – it’s a hot day. You want to just do nothing and I will read everything.
Cinzia: I am working with you Marco.
Marco: Yeah just sitting there while I am standing.
Cinzia: I am not sitting.
Marco: That’s true.
Cinzia: But well okay.
Marco: Okay, okay, okay. So today, Manuel and Frederick meet and discuss about the fact that in Italy, friends normally like to hug and kiss each other when they meet.
Cinzia: Oh this is so true actually.
Marco: It depends on the person though. I mean for example, I am not a huggy, kissy person.
Cinzia: Well I am not either but I like hugging and kissing my friends.
Marco: But you are a girl. You are an Italian girl.
Cinzia: I know you don’t like being kissed and hugged by me.
Marco: Yeah, yeah [fumbling] no thanks.
Cinzia: You are so rude.
Marco: Nobody is going to listen to this any way. Oh I mean, sorry the whole world is listening to this.
Cinzia: Whatever.
Marco: Anyway.
Cinzia: Marco, so can you tell me who are Manuel and Frederick.
Marco: No, no you tell me. I have to read the whole dialogue.
Cinzia: Umm okay fine. Manuel works in an advertising company with Giulia who we already met and Frederick is Swedish.
Marco: Yes and he is a housemate of Manuel.
Cinzia: Yes and he studies Engineering.
Marco: So they are friends right?
Cinzia: Yes of course.
Marco: So they are speaking in informal Italian.
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: And this conversation can take place
Cinzia: In your mind.
Marco: And you are in Italy and in my mind for sure. I will be Manuel and I will also be Frederick.
Cinzia: Buona fortuna.
Manuel: Ciao Frederik come va?
Frederik: Io sto bene, ma ho appena scoperto una cosa davvero particolare.
Manuel: Cosa?
Frederik: Che gli italiani spesso si danno pacche sulle spalle mentre parlano, ci credi?
Manuel: Certo, in Italia è normale, anche quando amici si salutano di solito si abbracciano e si scambiano dei baci sulle guance.
Frederik: Incredibile!
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Manuel: Ciao Frederik come va?
Frederik: Io sto bene, ma ho appena scoperto una cosa davvero particolare.
Manuel: Cosa?
Frederik: Che gli italiani spesso si danno pacche sulle spalle mentre parlano, ci credi?
Manuel: Certo, in Italia è normale, anche quando amici si salutano di solito si abbracciano e si scambiano dei baci sulle guance.
Frederik: Incredibile!
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Manuel: Ciao Frederik come va?
Manuel: Hi, Frederik, how are you doing?
Frederik: Io sto bene, ma ho appena scoperto una cosa davvero particolare.
Frederik: I am fine, but I just learned a very peculiar thing.
Manuel: Cosa?
Manuel: What?
Frederik: Che gli italiani spesso si danno pacche sulle spalle mentre parlano, ci credi?
Frederik: That Italians often pat each other on the shoulders while they talk; can you believe it?
Manuel: Certo, in Italia è normale, anche quando amici si salutano di solito si abbracciano e si scambiano dei baci sulle guance.
Manuel: Sure, in Italy, it's normal; even when they greet each other, they usually hug and kiss each other on the cheeks.
Frederik: Incredibile!
Frederik: Unbelievable!
Cinzia: Ah I am so tired.
Marco: You just stood up from the chair. Ti sei appena alzata. You just stood up.
Cinzia: Are you tired my dear?
Marco: No let’s go on with the…
Cinzia: Vocabulary.
Marco: Yeah but first of all, let’s talk about this dialogue.
Cinzia: Oh yes but I already know about your opinions Marco.
Marco: But nobody wants to know my opinions. I am sure that our listeners want to know...
Cinzia: My opinion.
Marco: No. What Italian – now I can’t speak any more. I mean why Italian people usually like to hug and kiss each other?
Cinzia: Because they are very passionate people.
Marco: Yes usually Latino culture especially the Italian one, we like to, for example, hug people we haven’t seen in a long time or give kisses on the cheeks of people that we are very fond of, for example.
Cinzia: Yes because we love to…
Marco: Make contact with people.
Cinzia: Yes we love transmitting our emotions.
Marco: True, true, very true.
Cinzia: And most of the times we need the physical contact.
Marco: Yes, yes for example it’s not hard to see, for example, on Saturday nights two girls meeting and hugging and how has the week been and so on?
Cinzia: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Marco: Also maybe a girl and a male friend, not her boyfriend just hugging and oh, I haven’t seen you in ages.
Cinzia: Yes and kissing on the cheeks.
Marco: It can be awkward sometimes because maybe a boy is out with his girlfriend and another boy walks by and she says, oh I haven’t seen you in ages and hugs…
Cinzia: Oh come on! No…
Marco: I know.
Cinzia: It can be yes but umm…
Marco: No but I mean the boy, the boy A, the original boy, the boyfriend then will be asking the girl, who was that guy?
Cinzia: Oh okay so you mean in the situation that the boyfriend doesn’t know the other one?
Marco: Exactly, exactly.
Cinzia: Okay yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Marco: It has happened to you. Hasn’t it?
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: Yeah it happens. It usually happens. You can see for example awkward faces on boyfriends like who is this guy, an ex boyfriend.
Cinzia: Any way, this is a typical Italian habit.
Marco: Yes.
Cinzia: So don’t be surprised if you see people kissing and hugging each other or if you are kissed and hugged by an Italian friend.
Marco: Very true, very true. Okay on with the vocabulary.
Marco: Today’s first expression is
Cinzia: Come va?
Marco: How are you doing? How is it going?
Cinzia: Come va. Come va?
Marco: Next word is
Cinzia: Appena.
Marco: Just, as soon as
Cinzia: Appena. Appena.
Marco: Next
Cinzia: Scoprire.
Marco: To discover, find out.
Cinzia: Scoprire. Scoprire.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Particolare.
Marco: Particular, peculiar.
Cinzia: Particolare. Particolare.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Pacca.
Marco: Slap
Cinzia: Pacca. Pacca.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Spalla.
Marco: Shoulder
Cinzia: Spalla. Spalla.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Credere.
Marco: To believe
Cinzia: Credere. Credere.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Mentre.
Marco: While
Cinzia: Mentre. Mentre.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Salutare.
Marco: To greet
Cinzia: Salutare. Salutare.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Abbracciare.
Marco: To hug
Cinzia: Abbracciare. Abbracciare.
Marco: Next word
Cinzia: Baciare.
Marco: To kiss
Cinzia: Baciare. Baciare.
Marco: And last word
Cinzia: Guancia.
Marco: Cheek.
Cinzia: Guancia. Guancia.
Cinzia: Wow, how many words and expressions we have today?
Marco: Yes so let’s take a look at the usage.
Cinzia: The first expression we will look at is come va?
Marco: And the first example sentence is
Cinzia: Come va il lavoro?
Marco: How is work going?
Cinzia: We have the verb andare in the sentence right?
Marco: Yes, yes and?
Cinzia: As our listeners should know the verb andare has different meanings or can be used in different sentences.
Marco: Yes and the basic meaning is to go but it can also be used in fixed expressions like
Cinzia: Come va il lavoro?
Marco: How is work?
Cinzia: Come va la vita?
Marco: How is life?
Cinzia: So just to ask how is it going.
Marco: So how is the life proceeding, going on.
Cinzia: Yes or simply how are you doing?
Marco: Exactly and we have seen another usage of the verb andare that we saw in lower intermediate lesson #1 that is ti va di? ti andrebbe di? meaning
Cinzia: Do you fancy?
Marco: Exactly. For example ti va di andare a ballare?
Cinzia: Do you fancy going dancing?
Marco: The verb andare has different meanings, not the usual to go.
Cinzia: Yes so just be careful and pay attention to the different context in which you use it.
Marco: Exactly. Next word is
Cinzia: Appena.
Marco: And the example sentence is
Cinzia: Ero appena tornata quando mi hai chiamata.
Marco: I had just got back when you called me.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is scoprire.
Marco: And the next example sentence is
Cinzia: Cristoforo Colombo ha scoperto l’America nel 1492.
Marco: Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Cinzia: Yes did you know that?
Marco: I knew that, I knew that.
Cinzia: Bravo.
Marco: Next.
Cinzia: Pacca.
Marco: And what example do we have with pacca?
Cinzia: Mi ha dato una pacca sulla spalla ed è partito.
Marco: He slapped me on the back and he left.
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is abbracciare.
Marco: And the example sentence is
Cinzia: Abbracciami.
Marco: Hug me.
Cinzia: And the last word is baciare.
Marco: And the last example sentence is
Cinzia: Nel film si baciavano appassionatamente.
Marco: In the movie, they were kissing passionately.
Cinzia: Okay.

Lesson focus

Marco: And now let’s take a look at today’s grammar. The first topic of today’s grammar point is that if in English, we use the simple past tense to refer to finished actions such as finding something out, in Italian, we use the passato prossimo and where do we see it in the dialogue?
Cinzia: We saw it in Frederick’s line when he says ho appena scoperto.
Marco: In English, that would be I just learned. So please note we use the passato prossimo and there is one more thing we have to notice in this phrase. Don’t we?
Cinzia: Yes we have the word appena.
Marco: Yes it’s an adverb and it means just.
Cinzia: Yes and normally it precedes the verb in English.
Marco: While in Italian it is inserted between the auxiliary and the main verb. Let’s hear it again.
Cinzia: Ho appena scoperto.
Marco: Instead in English, I just learned.
Cinzia: So this is true for any compound tense in Italian like trapassato prossimo, trapassato remoto and so on which we will be able to see in future lessons.
Marco: But remember that the syntactical order, auxiliary verb, adverb, plus main verb is valid for every adverb that refers to time. All other adverbs including those expressed in quantity or quality are positioned after the main verb. For example
Cinzia: Ho mangiato molto.
Marco: I ate a lot.
Cinzia: And lastly, we have the verb credere to believe which you have seen in the dialogue but be careful because in the dialogue, we saw ci credi? .
Marco: Meaning can you believe it? .
Cinzia: Ci stands for it. In the interrogative form, ci proceeds the main verb.
Marco: And this rule applies in every circumstance and to close this lesson, Cinzia give me one example of this last grammar topic.
Cinzia: Ho comprato una casa in Italia. Ci credi?
Marco: I bought a house in Italy. Can you believe it?


Cinzia: So thank you Marco. That’s all for today and see you next time.
Marco: Yes goodbye to our listeners.
Cinzia: Thank you listeners. Bye bye.
Marco: Bye.

