Cinzia: Ciao a tutti. |
Marco: Marco here, lower intermediate series, season 1, lesson 20. Where Can You Find The Most Delicious Italian Pastries? Hello and welcome back to the, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Italian. I am joined in the studio by |
Cinzia: Hello everyone, Cinzia here. |
Marco: In this lesson, we will learn how to realize the if clauses using the gerundio tense in the subordinate clause. |
Cinzia: This conversation takes place at an art exhibition in the nightclub. |
Marco: The conversation is between Giulia, Manuel and Marcella. |
Cinzia: And the speakers are friends. So they will be speaking informal Italian. |
Marco: Basic and premium members |
Cinzia: If you have a 3G phone, |
Marco: You can see the lesson notes in your favorite browser or your phone. |
Cinzia: Then stop by to find out more. |
Marco: Let’s listen to the conversation. |
Manuel: Non ho capito se questa scultura rappresenti una donna o un uomo. |
Giulia: Neanche io, ma credo che possa essere uno studio sulla dinamicità. |
Marcella: Scusate se vi interrompo ragazzi, che ne dite di andare a mangiare qualcosa? |
Manuel: Avendo tempo, potremmo andare da Antonio. |
Giulia: Mi piacciono moltissimo le sue paste! |
Marcella: Ok, sbrighiamoci perché ho fame! |
Manuel and Giulia: Andiamo! |
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now. |
Manuel: Non ho capito se questa scultura rappresenti una donna o un uomo. |
Giulia: Neanche io, ma credo che possa essere uno studio sulla dinamicità. |
Marcella: Scusate se vi interrompo ragazzi, che ne dite di andare a mangiare qualcosa? |
Manuel: Avendo tempo, potremmo andare da Antonio. |
Giulia: Mi piacciono moltissimo le sue paste! |
Marcella: Ok, sbrighiamoci perché ho fame! |
Manuel and Giulia: Andiamo! |
Marco: And now, with the translation. |
Manuel: Non ho capito se questa scultura rappresenti una donna o un uomo. |
Manuel: I haven't understood whether this sculpture represents a woman or a man. |
Giulia: Neanche io, ma credo che possa essere uno studio sulla dinamicità. |
Giulia: Me neither, but I think it might be a study on dynamism. |
Marcella: Scusate se vi interrompo ragazzi, che ne dite di andare a mangiare qualcosa? |
Marcella: Sorry to interrupt you guys; how do you feel about getting something to eat? |
Manuel: Avendo tempo, potremmo andare da Antonio. |
Manuel: If we have time, we could go to Antonio's. |
Giulia: Mi piacciono moltissimo le sue paste! |
Giulia: I love his pastries. |
Marcella: Ok, sbrighiamoci perché ho fame! |
Marcella: Okay, let's hurry up; I am hungry. |
Manuel and Giulia: Andiamo! |
Manuel and Giulia: Let's go! |
Cinzia: Marco, do you prefer sweet or salty food? |
Marco: I don’t know, it depends. You? |
Cinzia: Well if I had to choose between a pizza and a chocolate cake, I would rather eat the pizza. |
Marco: Really I mean even for breakfast? |
Cinzia: Hah! Of course I could eat Pizza all the time. |
Marco: Oh wow! I can’t even imagine having pizza for breakfast. |
Cinzia: Why not? If you are hungry, you can eat pizza at any time of the day. |
Marco: Well maybe you are right but still I don’t know if I would try it. |
Cinzia: Okay. Maybe we should have a pizza. |
Marco: When now? |
Cinzia: Yeah. |
Marco: Cinzia, it’s 4 o'clock in the afternoon. |
Marco: It’s vocabulary time. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word is |
Cinzia: Se. |
Marco: Whether, if. |
Cinzia: Se. Se. |
Marco: Next word is |
Cinzia: Neanche. |
Marco: Neither |
Cinzia: Neanche. Neanche. |
Marco: And the next word is |
Cinzia: Dinamicità. |
Marco: Dynamism. |
Cinzia: Dinamicità. Dinamicità. |
Marco: And the next word is |
Cinzia: Interrompere. |
Marco: To interrupt, stop, discontinue. |
Cinzia: Interrompere. Interrompere. |
Marco: The next word is |
Cinzia: Sbrigarsi. |
Marco: To hurry up, be quick. |
Cinzia: Sbrigarsi. Sbrigarsi. |
Marco: And today’s last word is |
Cinzia: Tra. |
Marco: In, between, amid, amongst, among. |
Cinzia: Tra. Tra. |
Marco: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. |
Cinzia: The first word we will look at is se. |
Marco: And the sample sentence is |
Cinzia: Non è chiaro se Luca voglia venire con noi. |
Marco: It’s not clear whether Luca wants to come with us. |
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is neanche. |
Marco: And the sample sentence is |
Cinzia: Non ho comprato il regalo per Pete. Neanche io. |
Marco: I didn’t buy the present for Pete. Me neither. |
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is dinamicità. |
Marco: And the sample sentence is |
Cinzia: I datori di lavoro apprezzano la dinamicità dei loro impiegati. |
Marco: Employers appreciate their employees’ dynamism. |
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is interrompere. |
Marco: And the sample sentence is |
Cinzia: Vorrei poter concludere il mio discorso senza essere interrotto. |
Marco: I’d like to finish my speech without being interrupted. |
Cinzia: The next word we will look at is sbrigarsi. |
Marco: And the sample is |
Cinzia: Se voglio arrivare in orario, devo sbrigarmi. |
Marco: If I am to arrive on time, I have to hurry up. |
Cinzia: Today’s last word is tra. |
Marco: And the last sample is |
Cinzia: Ci vediamo tra due ore. |
Marco: I will see you in two hours. |
Lesson focus
Marco: Let’s take a look at today’s grammar point. |
Cinzia: If we want to use the gerundio in the subordinate clause, it’s very important to avoid making mistakes in the rest of the sentence. |
Marco: And this is because the meaning of the gerund is defined by the verb conjugation in the main clause. |
Cinzia: Exactly. So the subject of the sentence is stated only in the main clause. |
Marco: Consider the following examples. Type 1 if clause. |
Cinzia: Se ho tempo, vado a giocare a calcio con gli amici. |
Marco: If I have time, I go play football with my friends. |
Cinzia: Avendo tempo, vado a giocare a calcio con gli amici. |
Marco: Literally having time, I go play football with friends. Then we have type 2 if clause. |
Cinzia: Se ascoltasse il mio consiglio, riparerebbe la macchina. |
Marco: If he listened to my advice, he’d repaired the car. |
Cinzia: Ascoltando il mio consiglio, riparerebbe la macchina. |
Marco: Literally listening to my advice, he’d repair the car. Then type 3 if clause. |
Cinzia: Se avessero comprato gli strumenti giusti, avrebbero dipinto il muro. |
Marco: If they bought the right tools, they’d have painted the wall. |
Cinzia: Comprando gli strumenti giusti, avrebbero dipinto il muro. |
Marco: Literally buying the right tools, they’d have painted the wall. As shown in the examples we have just seen, the structure present gerund plus noun-direct object may substitute the subordinate clause in all kinds of hypothetical phrases provided that the subject of both sentences is the same. |
Cinzia: This is because the gerund is an infinitive mode, it is not related to any person. |
Marco: Therefore the subject of both sentences is inferred only by the one expressed in the main clause. |
Cinzia: So changing slightly topic in type 3 if clauses, we may use the past gerund though both the present and the past gerund are perfectly acceptable. |
Marco: Finally, employing the gerund in a subordinate clause is considered proper Italian in both written and spoken language. |
Cinzia: Yes, it’s normally employed when we need to use several if clauses in a row since it changes their grammatical form making them less repetitive. |
Marco: And I also like it because we can use it when we don’t recall the subjunctive conjugation of the subordinate clause verb. Just keep in mind that the subject of both sentences has to be the same. |
Marco: That just about does it for today. Testing yourself is one of the most efficient ways to learn. |
Cinzia: That’s why we have three types of quizzes. |
Marco: Vocabulary, grammar and content specific. |
Cinzia: Each quiz targets specific skill. |
Marco: And together, these quizzes will help you master several fundamental skills. |
Cinzia: You can find them in the learning center at |
Marco: Ciao. |
Cinzia: Ciao a tutti. |