
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Marco: Buon pomeriggio. Mi chiamo Marco. Lower intermediate series, season 1, lesson 10. Don’t Forget To Make Reservations At The Italian Restaurant.
Cinzia: Buongiorno a tutti. My name is Cinzia.
Marco: I am Marco.
Cinzia: And we’d like to welcome you to the 10th lesson of lower intermediate series in italianpod101.com
Marco: Thank you, thank you. Grazie, grazie for joining us on italianpod101.com where we are going to teach you Italian in a fun and interesting way.
Cinzia: So stay tuned.
Marco: I have two characters again.
Cinzia: Oh yes that’s true. You have to be Manuel and Frederick again.
Marco: Again ah…but what about today’s topics?
Cinzia: Oh today’s topic is very interesting. We are going to take a second look at the hypothetical period. In particular, we will see the periodo ipotetico della realtà.
Marco: That sounds scary.
Cinzia: Oh come on, it’s not scary. It is just grammar, Italian grammar and our listeners are waiting for us.
Marco: Wait, Italian grammar, that’s buono, that’s good.
Cinzia: Umm okay. I think you should start the dialogue Marco.
Marco: Okay but before we jump in, don’t forget to check out the learning center for additional tools for your studies.
Manuel: Domani sera vado a cena con Giulia.
Frederik: Dove la porti?
Manuel: La porto alla pizzeria La Diligenza.
Frederik: Domani è sabato. Se prenoti prima trovi un tavolo.
Manuel: Allora chiamo subito.
Marco: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Manuel: Domani sera vado a cena con Giulia.
Frederik: Dove la porti?
Manuel: La porto alla pizzeria La Diligenza.
Frederik: Domani è sabato. Se prenoti prima trovi un tavolo.
Manuel: Allora chiamo subito.
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Manuel: Domani sera vado a cena con Giulia.
Manuel: Tomorrow evening I am going to dinner with Giulia.
Frederik: Dove la porti?
Frederik: Where are you taking her?
Manuel: La porto alla pizzeria La Diligenza.
Manuel: I am taking her to the pizzeria La Diligenza.
Frederik: Domani è sabato. Se prenoti prima trovi un tavolo.
Frederik: Tomorrow is Saturday. If you book in advance, you’ll get a table.
Manuel: Allora chiamo subito.
Manuel: Then I’ll call right away.
Cinzia: Oh, la pizzeria “La diligenza”. How do we translate la diligenza in English?
Marco: Well in this case, it’s a name. So we shouldn’t actually translate it but diligenza means horse driven carriage.
Cinzia: Do we really have a pizzeria called “La diligenza”?
Marco: Yes many cities have it.
Cinzia: Really?
Marco: But I can’t endorse any particular one, so I just leave it at that, right?
Cinzia: Va bene Marco.
Marco: Ma Cinzia, prenoti spesso un tavolo? Do you often book a table?
Cinzia: Oh yes I actually do book very often a table, especially in the weekends when it is always crowded because otherwise you risk not to find any seats.
Marco: Yes and winning your date or your evening. Very bad.
Cinzia: Yes and it’s so romantic if a guy book a table for you.
Marco: Really?
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: Well it’s nice. You go in the restaurant and they call your name or your partner’s name and Signor Bianchi, il tavolo è pronto. Mr. Bianchi, the table is ready. That sounds so nice right?
Cinzia: Yes it does.
Marco: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary now.
Cinzia: The first word is domani.
Marco: Tomorrow.
Cinzia: Domani. Domani.
Marco: The next word is
Cinzia: Cena.
Marco: Dinner.
Cinzia: Cena. Cena.
Marco: The next word is
Cinzia: Portare.
Marco: To take
Cinzia: Portare. Portare.
Marco: And the next word is
Cinzia: Prenotare.
Marco: To book, to reserve.
Cinzia: Prenotare. Prenotare.
Marco: Next word is
Cinzia: Chiamare.
Marco: To call.
Cinzia: Chiamare. Chiamare
Marco: And the last word is
Cinzia: Subito.
Marco: Right away, now
Cinzia: Subito. Subito.
Cinzia: And now let’s take a look at the usage for some of the words and expressions. The first word we will look at is domani.
Marco: And the first sample sentence is
Cinzia: Sei libero domani sera?
Marco: Are you free tomorrow evening?
Cinzia: No I am busy, sorry.
Marco: How do we say in Italian I am busy, sorry?
Cinzia: Sono impegnata, mi dispiace.
Marco: Very useful.
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: I mean the answer is very useful.
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: When people are bugging you every time. Hey let’s go out, let’s go out, andiamo fuori.
Cinzia: Yes so let’s take a look at the second word which is cena.
Marco: And the sample is
Cinzia: Verresti a cena con me?
Marco: Would you have dinner with me?
Cinzia: No thank you.
Marco: How do we say no thank you in Italian?
Cinzia: No grazie.
Marco: So also this is very useful. I mean the question in this case.
Cinzia: And the next word is portare.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: Ho portato il libro ad Antonio.
Marco: I took the book to Antonio.
Cinzia: Next we have a verb, prenotare.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: Abbiamo prenotato i biglietti.
Marco: We booked the tickets.
Cinzia: So actually you can prenotare un tavolo.
Marco: A table.
Cinzia: Una stanza.
Marco: A room
Cinzia: Un biglietto.
Marco: A ticket
Cinzia: What else?
Marco: What about a seat?
Cinzia: Un posto.
Marco: Yes and well, lots more but let’s stop here.
Cinzia: Oh wait! You can book a lesson.
Marco: Oh yes premium plus lesson.
Cinzia: Potete prenotare una lezione.
Marco: You can book a lesson with Cinzia at the Premium plus lesson.
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: Let’s go on now.
Cinzia: Okay.
Marco: Ciao.
Cinzia: Ciao.
Marco: Yeah, yeah it just came out, ciao. Don’t worry.
Cinzia: Next we have another verb which is chiamare.
Marco: And the sample sentence is
Cinzia: Hai chiamato tuo fratello?
Marco: Did you call your brother?
Cinzia: And lastly we have subito.
Marco: And the last sample sentence is
Cinzia: Ti ho detto di partire subito.
Marco: I told you to leave right away.

Lesson focus

Cinzia: And now let’s take a look at today’s grammar. In today’s grammar, we will see periodo ipotetico della realtà.
Marco: This is the first type of hypothetical period. Literally hypothetical period or reality. Uh science fiction here.
Cinzia: Well pretty different but the major difference between periodo ipotetico della realtà and type 0 hypothetical periods is that in the former, the close if cannot be substituted by when. So please take a look at the previous lesson lower intermediate #9 if you have any doubts.
Marco: So this means that in today’s type 1 if clause, the condition must take place in a contextual, precise and definite situation. So for example
Cinzia: Se mi viene fame, mangio.
Marco: If I get hungry, I will eat.
Cinzia: Mangio is the main clause.
Marco: Exactly.
Cinzia: And se mi viene fame is the subordinate.
Marco: Let’s take a look at another example.
Cinzia: Se Luca arriva prima delle 6 del pomeriggio, andiamo al cinema.
Marco: If Luca arrives before 6 PM, we will go to the cinema.
Cinzia: Andiamo al cinema the main clause and it is actually an action that can take place only if Luca arrives before 6 PM. So only if the subordinate takes place.
Marco: And we cannot say when Luca arrives before 6 PM, we will go to the cinema because it is a condition that has to take place not that it may take place in some time.
Cinzia: Pay attention now because we are going to take a look at the tense agreement between the subordinate and main clauses.
Marco: That is between the subordinata and principale.
Cinzia: The first case regards employing the simple present tense in both the subordinate and main clause.
Marco: For example Cinzia?
Cinzia: Se ai tuoi amici va bene, mangiamo una pizza.
Marco: If it’s fine for your friends, we will have a pizza.
Cinzia: As you can see, we have the presente indicativo tense in the subordinate and in main clause.
Marco: Instead in a second case, we can employ the simple present tense in the subordinate clause and the simple future tense in the main one. In this case, the tense agreement works exactly as in English. For example Cinzia.
Cinzia: Se andiamo in Italia, visiteremo Roma.
Marco: If we go to Italy, we will visit Rome.
Cinzia: So just as the if clause in English.
Marco: Exactly so.
Cinzia: So the present tense in the subordinate and the future tense in the main clause. The third case regards employing the simple future tense in both the subordinate and main clauses.
Marco: But wait, this is not possible in English.
Cinzia: No it’s not possible in English but it is possible in Italian.
Marco: Yoohoo! Forza Italia. Go Italy.
Cinzia: Let’s take a look at the example.
Marco: That is Cinzia?
Cinzia: Se pioverà, staremo a casa.
Marco: If it rains, we will stay at home.
Cinzia: Pay attention because simple future tense in both subordinate and main clause, you can use it in Italian.


Cinzia: Allora Marco, penso che sia tutto per oggi.
Marco: Yes I also think it’s enough for today.
Cinzia: Grazie a tutti e ci vediamo presto. Ciao ciao.
Marco: Ciao.

