
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Hi everyone! Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com. This is Lower beginner Season 1 Lesson 12 - Are Italians Environmentally Conscious? I'm Betsey.
Ofelia: Ciao! I'm Ofelia.
Betsey: In this lesson you will learn how to use adverbs of negation. Such as…
Ofelia: Non siamo affatto ecologici.
Betsey: "We are not eco-friendly at all."
Ofelia: This conversation takes place at the patisserie in Turin where Mieke and Silvia work together.
Betsey: The conversation is between Mieke and Silvia.The speakers are co-workers, so they'll be using informal language.
Ofelia: Mieke and Silvia parlano insieme. Ascoltiamo.
Silvia: Vai spesso in bicicletta?
Mieke: Sì, quando il tempo è bello. In Belgio è normale.
Silvia: In Italia amiamo andare in macchina. Non siamo affatto ecologisti.
Mieke: Non sono d'accordo. Tante persone a Torino usano i mezzi pubblici per andare al lavoro.
Silvia: Ah ok... Il tram però non è per niente puntuale.
Mieke: Mah... non direi. Ma... tu come vieni in pasticceria?
Silvia: ...in macchina.
Betsey: Let's hear the conversation one time slowly.
Silvia: Vai spesso in bicicletta?
Mieke: Sì, quando il tempo è bello. In Belgio è normale.
Silvia: In Italia amiamo andare in macchina. Non siamo affatto ecologisti.
Mieke: Non sono d'accordo. Tante persone a Torino usano i mezzi pubblici per andare al lavoro.
Silvia: Ah ok... Il tram però non è per niente puntuale.
Mieke: Mah... non direi. Ma... tu come vieni in pasticceria?
Silvia: ...in macchina.
Betsey: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Silvia: Vai spesso in bicicletta?
Silvia: Do you cycle often?
Mieke: Sì, quando il tempo è bello. In Belgio è normale.
Mieke: Yes, when the weather is good. In Belgium, it is normal.
Silvia: In Italia amiamo andare in macchina. Non siamo affatto ecologisti.
Silvia: In Italy, we love driving. We are not eco-friendly at all.
Mieke: Non sono d'accordo. Tante persone a Torino usano i mezzi pubblici per andare al lavoro.
Mieke: I don't agree. Many people in Turin use public transportation to go to work.
Silvia: Ah ok... Il tram però non è per niente puntuale.
Silvia: Ah ok... The tram, however, is not punctual at all.
Mieke: Mah... non direi. Ma... tu come vieni in pasticceria?
Mieke: Mhm...I wouldn't say so. But...how do you come to the patisserie?
Silvia: ...in macchina.
Silvia: ...by car.
Ofelia: Betsey, how often do you use your bicycle?
Betsey: I would say once a week during summer, but I never use it in winter. It's too cold!
Ofelia: I see. You know, the bicycle as a means of transportation has almost disappeared in most parts of Italy, especially in the South.
Betsey: Really? But isn't Italy also famous for a cycling race...what is it called?
Ofelia: Il giro d'Italia!
Betsey: Right, The tour of Italy!
Ofelia: Yes, but nevertheless, we can say that for most Italians, it is only a hobby!
Betsey: Oh... But when I visited Italy last year I saw so many people cycling in the center of some cities though…
Ofelia: Oh yes, you would see it in some cities in the North-East of Italy, like Cremona, Modena, Parma and Ferrara. Those cities are in the valley of the Po river, and it's flat there!
Betsey: Oh, I see, so cycling around is not so exhausting!
Ofelia: Yes, that could be one of the main reasons! Those cities are also quite small, and it is nice to cycle around.
Betsey: I almost regret that I didn't rent a bicycle when I was there last year!
Ofelia: You should have!
Betsey: Okay listeners, don't be like me - rent a bike if you visit those cities. Ok, now let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Betsey: The first word we shall see is...
Ofelia: Belgio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Belgium
Ofelia: Belgio [slowly - broken down by syllable] Belgio [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: normale [natural native speed]
Betsey: normal, regular, ordinary
Ofelia: normale [slowly - broken down by syllable] normale [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: amare [natural native speed]
Betsey: to love
Ofelia: amare [slowly - broken down by syllable] amare [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: andare in macchina [natural native speed]
Betsey: to drive
Ofelia: andare in macchina [slowly - broken down by syllable] andare in macchina [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: ecologico [natural native speed]
Betsey: eco-friendly
Ofelia: ecologico [slowly - broken down by syllable] ecologico [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: tanto [natural native speed]
Betsey: much
Ofelia: tanto [slowly - broken down by syllable] tanto [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: mezzo publico [natural native speed]
Betsey: public transportation
Ofelia: mezzo publico [slowly - broken down by syllable] mezzo publico [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: mezzo publico [natural native speed]
Betsey: work, job
Ofelia: mezzo publico [slowly - broken down by syllable] mezzo publico [natural native speed]
Betsey: Next
Ofelia: puntuale [natural native speed]
Betsey: on time, punctual
Ofelia: puntuale [slowly - broken down by syllable] puntuale [natural native speed]
Betsey: And last...
Ofelia: in [natural native speed]
Betsey: by
Ofelia: in [slowly - broken down by syllable] in [natural native speed]
Betsey: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Ofelia: The first word is BELGIO
Ofelia: Notice that to express the nationality for people living in Belgium, we have to say belga, and in the singular it is unchangeable for men and women.
Betsey: Could you repeat the word, please?
Ofelia: Belga. Also, the adjective is belga and never changes whether it refers to a masculine or feminine noun.
Betsey: Hmm, some examples would be helpful!
Ofelia: Un mio amico belga.
Betsey: "A Belgian friend of mine." (Little pause) Here we have a masculine singular name.
Ofelia: Right.
Betsey: Can we have another example with the plural?
Ofelia: Molti Belgi parlano francese.
Betsey: "Many Belgians speak French." Ofelia, what did you say for Belgians?
Ofelia: I said "belgi"! While the plural feminine would be "belghe,"
Betsey: What's an example?
Ofelia: Le mie amiche sono belghe.
Betsey: "My friends (feminine) are Belgian." That is quite confusing!
Ofelia: Yes it might be, but we have some other words like this too. For example: FARMACISTA.
Betsey: Pharmacist.
Ofelia: 'Farmacista' can be used both for singular feminine, and singular masculine. But the plural is different: 'FARMACISTI.'
Betsey: Which is for male pharmacists.
Ofelia: And Farmaciste.
Betsey: For female pharmacists. I see.
Betsey: Let's look at the second word.
Ofelia: LAVORO
Betsey: This means "JOB" or "WORK"
Ofelia: Lavoro can be translated both as "job" or "work,"
Betsey: It is also the first person of the verb lavorare, to work, right?
Ofelia: Yes! io lavoro meaning "I work."
Betsey: This is a very important word if you want to live and work in Italy! How can we say: "I am looking for a job?"
Betsey: Quite simple! What about a part-time job?
Betsey: Could you give us also an example of this as a verb?
Ofelia: Lavoro cinque giorni alla settimana.
Betsey: I work five days a week.
Ofelia: Right!
Betsey: Ok, what's the last word we'll look at?
Ofelia: 'IN'
Betsey: Meaning "BY"
Ofelia: The preposition in is often used with means of transportation.
Betsey: Like the English "by,"
Ofelia: Yes, for example andare in macchina,
Betsey: "To go by car" (Little pause)
Ofelia: Andare in treno,
Betsey: To go by train (Little pause)
Ofelia: Andare in aereo
Betsey: "To go by plane." (Little pause) Are there any exceptions to this rule?
Ofelia: Like for English, the only exception is andare a piedi.
Betsey: "To go on foot," I see. Can you give us an example?
Ofelia: Mio fratello va a scuola a piedi.
Betsey: "My brother goes to school on foot." Okay, now onto the grammar.
Betsey: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use adverbs of negation.
Ofelia: Let's start by looking at how a negative sentence is constructed in Italian.
Betsey: To make a sentence negative…
Ofelia: You just have to place the adverb NON before the verb.
Betsey: Please give us an example.
Ofelia: Vado a scuola alle 8.
Betsey: "I go to school at 8." (Little pause) The negative sentence is...
Ofelia: NON vado a scuola alle 8.
Betsey: I don't go to school at 8.
Ofelia: Let's also remember that in Italian, you can also use 'NON' to prohibit something.
Betsey: For example…
Ofelia: Non mangiare la cioccolata
Betsey: Don't eat chocolate.
Ofelia: In this case, non is followed by a verb in the infinitive form, because the subject is "you" which is 'tu'.
Betsey: Otherwise, you should use the imperative, right?
Ofelia: 'Esatto!' Right!
Betsey: In this lesson, we will also learn more about other adverbs that can be used in negative sentences.
Ofelia: Adverbs like per niente or affatto
Betsey: They can both be translated as 'at all' in English.
Ofelia: Yes. They are often used to emphasize the negation.
Betsey: Can you give us some sample sentences?
Ofelia: Non sono affatto d'accordo.
Betsey: Or...
Ofelia: Non sono per niente d'accordo.
Betsey: Both mean "I don't agree at all."
Ofelia: Per niente and affatto are synonymous.
Betsey: I see.
Ofelia: These expressions are very strong. They do not allow second thoughts!
Betsey: That's interesting!
Ofelia: So if you say: 'NON MI PIACE PER NIENTE QUESTA CASA...'
Betsey: "I don't like this house at all." (Little pause) It sounds quite hard-and-fast!
Ofelia: And definitely it is not something to say when you pay someone a visit!
Betsey: Definitely!


Betsey: OK. That's all for this lesson.
Ofelia: Thank you all for listening! A presto!
Betsey: Remember to check the lesson notes, and we'll see you next time!

