
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ciao a tutti! Sono Consuelo. Hi everybody! I’m Consuelo.
Welcome to ItalianPod101.com’s Italiano in tre minuti. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Italian.
In the last lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves in Italian. As good manners are a must everywhere, today we learn how to thank people.
Pronti? Are you ready? Allora cominciamo, so let’s start!
There are several ways to thank someone, let’s start with the easiest, it is just a word:
(One more time, slowly: Grazie).
Grazie means “thank you”.
When saying “thank you very much” you just need to add tante, or mille.
Grazie tante.Or grazie mille.
(One more time, slowly: Grazie tante. Or, grazie mille.)
Tante means “a lot” and mille means “a thousand”.
“Thank you a thousand times!”
During the last lesson we mentioned both the informal and the formal way of speaking Italian. In this case if you want to be more formal when thanking someone you should say:
La ringrazio.
(One more time, slowly: La ringrazio.)
That was the formal way to say “thank you” when referring to Lei, the formal person for “you”. Ringraziare is the infinitive form of the verb “to give thanks” and “to be grateful”.
How to answer? It’s easy, there are basically two different ways to do it!
The first is:
(One more time, slowly: Prego.)
Prego means “you are welcome”.
The other way to say “you are welcome” is the expression:
Non c’è di che.
(One more time, slowly: Non c’è di che.)
Meaning “there’s nothing about it”.
So when someone saying grazie to you, we can simply reply with:
Prego or non c’è di che.
Sometimes we can also hear them both like:
Prego, non c’è di che.
For example, if someone is giving you something…
(someone in the studio gives me a newspaper or a book )
Grazie mille.
Prego. (voice over of the other person)
Now it’s time for Consuelo’s tips.
Remember, when in doubt whenever it is more appropriate to use grazie or La ringrazio, keeping it simple is always your safest bet. You don’t have to worry about formal or informal situations; grazie can be used with just about anyone, anywhere at anytime. So, grazie mille a tutti! Thank you very much everybody!
Do you know what arrivederci means? In our next lesson you’ll learn this and more other greetings in Italian!
Ciao e grazie, alla prossima lezione!


Please to leave a comment.
2011-01-10 18:30:00

Grazie for being with us today!

What do you think about today's lesson?

2024-02-01 20:22:06

Ciao Julio,

grazie! Let us know if you have any questions.


Team ItalianPod101.com

2024-01-25 08:31:04

Buonasera, sonó Julio. Benne e Gracie mile.

2023-03-21 22:55:41

Hi Tomasso,

thanks for the positive feedback, I'm sure Consuelo will be pleased 😉

Let us know if you have any questions!


Team ItalianPod101.com

2023-03-16 21:56:43

Consuelo is very pleasant and easy on the ears.. excellent teacher.

2020-07-25 04:27:40

Ciao Patricia,

grazie per i tuoi commenti 😉


Team ItalianPod101.com

2020-07-20 09:46:55

Grazie tante per il vostro feedback. è molto utile.



2017-03-27 17:22:32

Ciao Diego,

Thank you for posting.:smile:

Let us know if you have any questions.


Team ItalianPod101.com

2017-03-26 12:55:03

La ringrazio ItalianPod101.com! youare helping me very much!

2016-12-07 15:46:50

Buongiorno Ighor,

Non c'è di che, prego! :smile:

You are welcome.

A presto,


Team ItalianPod101.com

2016-12-01 05:32:40

Grazie. Grazie tante. Grazie mille. La ringrazie, signora Consuela Innocente! La ringrazie, italianpod101.com!

2016-11-25 15:18:23

Prego Elger!:smile:

If you have questions, let us know.

A presto,


Team ItalianPod101.com

2016-11-23 02:47:28

Grazie mille ! :smile: :thumbsup:

2015-10-29 12:33:11

Ciao Denise,

Please know that "Grazie" works in any situation and you won't offend anyone, if you use it.

Grazie e a presto!:smile:


Team ItalianPod101.com

2015-10-22 23:32:53

When I travel as a tourist to Italy, I want to say thank you without offending anyone. Is it ok to say grazie to a stranger, or do I need to use the more formal thank you?

2015-03-10 13:03:38

Buongiorno Pam,

Grazie a te!

Buona giornata! Have a nice day!


Team ItalianPod101.com

2015-03-03 01:39:41

Buongiorno! Grazie mille!

2015-02-04 10:20:44


Thank you for posting!

The reason it changes it's because adjectives changes according to the gender and the number of the noun they modify.

"Famiglia" is a feminine singular noun, so "content-o" changes into "content-a". "Persone" is a feminine plural noun, it changes into "content-e".

In the case of "amici", a masculine plural noun, it should change into "content-i".

I hope this helps! If you have other questions, please feel free to leave a comment!

Keep up the good work! :smile:


Team ItalianPod101.com

2015-02-01 05:41:57

i was practicing the Italian word for HAPPY which is contentO but when it is use in the following sentence " THE FAMILY IS HAPPY" it change to contentA and also changed to contentE in " group of happy people.

what is the reason for the change?

2014-09-10 16:59:17

Ciao Nea!

It seems you learned well :smile:

Molto bene!

Thank you,


Team ItalianPod101.com

2014-09-08 04:18:20

Buongiorno grazie,grazie tante,grazie mille.

Prego,prego non c'e di che.
