
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

None (manual write in):
Jason: Ciao! Jason here
Cristina: Cristina here! Welcome to ItalianPod101.com's Intermediate series. This is lesson 11 - Did you Redecorate Your Italian Home?
Jason: In this lesson you'll learn more about the usage of the pronoun ci. Such as…
Cristina: Uso il mio pc come tv. Con questo ci guardo i film e i programmi televisivi che mi interessano, ci ascolto la musica e lo uso anche come telefono di casa.
Jason: I use my pc as a TV. With this I watch movies and the TV programs I like, I listen to music and I also use it as a telephone.
This conversation takes place at Sara’s house
Cristina: Sara e Giovanna parlano insieme.
Jason: The conversation is between Sara and Giovanna. The speakers are co-workers and friends, so they'll be speaking informal language.
Cristina: Ascoltiamo
Jason: Let's listen to the conversation.
Giovanna: Permesso?
Sara: Vieni pure, Giovanna, ti aspettavo.
Giovanna: Com’è cambiata casa tua dall’ultima volta che sono venuta!
Sara: L’ho ridecorata - ho ridipinto le pareti del soggiorno e ho risistemato il mobilio.
Giovanna: Adoro quei cuscini etnici sul divano - che bella fantasia! E quest’orologio viene da Parigi?
Sara: No. L’ho trovato al mercatino dell’usato di Via Garibaldi - ci sei mai andata?
Giovanna: Qualche anno fa, ma non ci sono più ritornata da allora.
Sara: A volte si trovano dei pezzi di antiquariato a prezzi stracciati.
Giovanna: Bene a sapersi.Verrò con te una volta. Ma non hai la TV?
Sara: No, uso il mio pc come tv. Con questo ci guardo i film e i programmi televisivi che mi interessano, ci ascolto la musica e lo uso anche come telefono di casa.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Giovanna: Permesso?
Sara: Vieni pure, Giovanna, ti aspettavo.
Giovanna: Com’è cambiata casa tua dall’ultima volta che sono venuta!
Sara: L’ho ridecorata - ho ridipinto le pareti del soggiorno e ho risistemato il mobilio.
Giovanna: Adoro quei cuscini etnici sul divano - che bella fantasia! E quest’orologio viene da Parigi?
Sara: No. L’ho trovato al mercatino dell’usato di Via Garibaldi - ci sei mai andata?
Giovanna: Qualche anno fa, ma non ci sono più ritornata da allora.
Sara: A volte si trovano dei pezzi di antiquariato a prezzi stracciati.
Giovanna: Bene a sapersi.Verrò con te una volta. Ma non hai la TV?
Sara: No, uso il mio pc come tv. Con questo ci guardo i film e i programmi televisivi che mi interessano, ci ascolto la musica e lo uso anche come telefono di casa.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
A casa di Sara.
JasonAt Sara's.
Giovanna: Permesso?
Jason: May I come in?
Sara: Vieni pure, Giovanna, ti aspettavo.
Jason: Come in, Giovanna, I was waiting for you.
Giovanna: Com’è cambiata casa tua dall’ultima volta che sono venuta!
Jason: Your house has changed since the last time I came.
Sara: L’ho ridecorata - ho ridipinto le pareti del soggiorno e ho risistemato il mobilio.
Jason: I redecorated it—I repainted the walls of the living room and rearranged the furniture.
Giovanna: Adoro quei cuscini etnici sul divano - che bella fantasia! E quest’orologio viene da Parigi?
Jason: I love those ethnic-style cushions on the sofa; such a beautiful pattern. And does this clock come from Paris?
Sara: No. L’ho trovato al mercatino dell’usato di Via Garibaldi - ci sei mai andata?
Jason: No! I found it at the secondhand street market of Via Garibaldi. Have you ever been there?
Giovanna: Qualche anno fa, ma non ci sono più ritornata da allora.
Jason: Some years ago, but I haven't gone back since then.
Sara: A volte si trovano dei pezzi di antiquariato a prezzi stracciati.
Jason: Sometimes it's possible to find some antiques at knockdown prices.
Giovanna: Bene a sapersi.Verrò con te una volta. Ma non hai la TV?
Jason: Good to know. I'll come with you once. You don't have a TV, do you?
Sara: No, uso il mio pc come tv. Con questo ci guardo i film e i programmi televisivi che mi interessano, ci ascolto la musica e lo uso anche come telefono di casa.
Jason: No, I use my PC as a TV. With this, I watch movies and the TV programs I like, I listen to music, and I also use it as a telephone.
Cristina: Sai cosa significa ‘Fai da te’?
Jason: Well, I think ‘Fai da te’ means "do it yourself." But, to be honest, I’m not sure how to use it.
Cristina: Well expressions like inglese fai-da-te ("learn English on your own") or vacanza fai-da-te (a holiday you book transportation or hotel without the help of a travel agency) are quite common.
Jason: Oh, I see.
Cristina: But ‘fai-da-te’ also specifically refers to a business that sells products used to redecorate houses, gardening, and remodeling.
Jason: I negozi del ‘fai-da-te’ therefore sell tools, raw material, basic items, books on the topic. I thought those shops were called negozi di bricolage.
Cristina: Both names are correct.
Jason: I think there’s a store called Bricolarge in my neighborhood.
Cristina: Actually Bricolarge is one of the first of these types of store. It opened in Italy in the ‘80s.
Jason: But I am sure that nowadays il fai-da-te has become more and more popular.
Cristina: That's right! And many people also use a number of online stores.
Jason: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Cristina: Permesso? [natural native speed]
Jason: May I come in?
Cristina: Permesso? [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: Permesso? [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: ridecorare [natural native speed]
Jason: to redecorate
Cristina: ridecorare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: ridecorare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: parete [natural native speed]
Jason: wall
Cristina: parete [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: parete [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: risistemare [natural native speed]
Jason: to rearrange
Cristina: risistemare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: risistemare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: etnico [natural native speed]
Jason: ethnic
Cristina: etnico [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: etnico [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: fantasia [natural native speed]
Jason: pattern, print
Cristina: fantasia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: fantasia [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: mercatino dell'usato [natural native speed]
Jason: second-hand street market
Cristina: mercatino dell'usato [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: mercatino dell'usato [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: antiquariato [natural native speed]
Jason: antique
Cristina: antiquariato [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: antiquariato [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: stracciato [natural native speed]
Jason: knockdown, very cheap
Cristina: stracciato [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: stracciato [natural native speed]
: Next:
Cristina: bene a sapersi [natural native speed]
Jason: good to know
Cristina: bene a sapersi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Cristina: bene a sapersi [natural native speed]
Jason: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Jason: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.The first one we'll look at is...
Cristina: PERMESSO?
Jason: "MAY I COME IN?"
Cristina: Here's a sample sentence. C’è qualcuno? Permesso?
Jason: "Is anyone at home? May I come in?"
Cristina: This word is the past participle of the verb permettere, "to allow".
Jason: It is used when entering somebody’s house as an expression of politeness.
Cristina: The extended sentence is
Jason: Literally it means, "Is it ok/allowed to come in?"
Cristina: Esatto.
Jason: What's the next one we'll look at?
Cristina: The prefix RI in verbs like RIDECORARE.
Jason: The prefix "RE" as in "REDECORATE."
Cristina: Here's a sample sentence. Ho ridecorato la mia camera da letto dopo 10 anni.
Jason: "I redecorated my bedroom after 10 years."
Cristina: The prefix RI is often used in front of verbs with the meaning of di nuovo, ancora. For example RIPARTIRE.
Jason: So RI means ‘one more time’ or ‘again’. For example RIPARTIRE means "to restart" or "to leave again".
Cristina: But remember that not all verbs starting with RI have this meaning. Like RICORDARE.
Jason: "To remember."
Cristina: or RICEVERE.
Jason: "To receive."

Lesson focus

Jason: The focus of this lesson is the usage of the pronoun CI.
Cristina: CI can be used as a reflexive pronoun
Jason: It can be used as a reflexive and reciprocal pronoun for the first person plural.
Cristina: For example with the reflexive verb FERMARSI. Ci possiamo fermare qui.
Jason: "We can stop here."
Cristina: Or as a reciprocal pronoun in the sample sentence Prima di partire ci salutiamo a lungo.
Jason: "Before a departure we farewell each other for a while."
Cristina: CI is also an object pronoun.
Jason: It can be used as a direct or indirect pronoun for the first person plural. For example…
Cristina: Sofia ed Andrea ci verranno a trovare domenica.
Jason: "Sofia and Andrea will visit us on Sunday."
Cristina: Another function of the pronoun CI is when CI is used with the meaning of "HERE" and "THERE".
Jason: Let’s listen to a sample sentence from the dialogue between Sara and Giovanna.
Cristina: L’ho trovato al mercatino dell’usato di Via Garibaldi
Jason: "I found it at the second-hand street market of Via Garibaldi. Have you ever been there?"
Cristina: In this sentence CI means ‘al mercatino dell’usato’, "at the second-hand market."
Jason: As shown in this example the pronoun CI is usually used once a place has been stated.
Cristina: Another usage of the pronoun CI is to replace noun phrases that follow the preposition, a.
Jason: What are some verbs that are followed by the preposition a?
Cristina: Verbs like pensare a
Jason: To think about
Cristina: giocare a
Jason: To play
Cristina: partecipare a
Jason: to take part in
Cristina: credere a
Jason: to believe in
Cristina: Here is a sample sentence.
Cristina: Giochi a tennis durante la settimana?
Cristina: No, ci gioco di sabato.
Jason: Do you play tennis during the week?
Jason : "No, I play it on Saturdays.”
Jason: Here CI stands for ‘tennis’.
Cristina: There one more important usage of the pronoun CI that is introduced in this lesson.
Jason: CI is also used to substitute a word or a sentence introduced by the preposition con.
Cristina: con qualcosa, "with something" or con qualcuno, "with someone".
Jason: For example…
Cristina: Uso il mio pc come tv. Con questo ci guardo i film e i programmi televisivi che mi interessano, ci ascolto la musica e lo uso anche come telefono di casa.
Jason: "I use my pc as a TV. With this I watch movies and the tv programs I like, I listen to music and I also use it as a telephone."
Cristina: Here CI replaces ‘con il mio pc’.
Jason: One more sample sentence.
Cristina: E’ una persona interessante e ci parlo sempre volentieri
Jason: "She’s an interesting person and I always like talking to her."
Cristina: CI here stands for ‘con questa persona.’


Jason: OK. That's all for this lesson. In the lesson notes, you can find more examples on this grammar point. So be sure to read them.
Cristina: A presto!
Jason: Bye-bye!

