
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buongiorno a tutti and welcome to the seventh lesson of Impara l’Italiano con i Proverbi.
Marco: Learn Italian With Proverbs.
Cinzia: Ciao Marco, come stai oggi?
Marco: Bene, grazie. E tu?
Cinzia: I'm fine and I want to tell you something.
Marco: Only me? I mean lots of people are listening, aren't they?
Cinzia: Well, yes, you and our listeners.
Marco: Okay, okay. So what's it about?
Cinzia: It's about today's lesson actually, and me…
Marco: Okay, okay. So what about you?
Cinzia: Listen, have you ever done something crazy for a person?
Marco: What do you mean - you mean a person I like?
Cinzia: I mean a person you love.
Marco: Oh… So that's it. Here is what you wanted to go, love.
Cinzia: Yes, that thing that turns the mountains over and make you do crazy stuff.
Marco: But, my dear Cinzia, don't you know that “in guerra e in amore tutto è lecito” - everything is fair in love and war.
Cinzia: Oh yes, I do know that “tutto è permesso” - everything is permitted. That's why I wanted to tell you that I did something really mad when I was in love.
Marco: Che pazzia hai commesso? What foolish thing did you do?
Cinzia: Well, I used to love this guy, and I was mad about him, and we used to live very far from each other. In fact, he was in another country.
Marco: Oh really? And where is that?
Cinzia: Very far, trust me.
Marco: Oh wow! What a scoop? Cinzia’s love adventures.
Cinzia: Marco please.
Marco: On the tabloids!
Cinzia: No, please. Ti prego Marco. It's serious. If I think about it now, I can't believe I did it. So, I was desperate and I wanted to see him. It had been so long since we had last met. One night I went to the airport, took and airplane went to him, told him I was missing him, spent a day with him and then came back home. And the day I came back, I even went to work.
Marco: Oh My God. Did you really do that?
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: By the look on your face, I understand you didn't tell anyone you were going to him.
Cinzia: You're right, not a soul.
Marco: Cinzia, you're crazy!
Cinzia: I know, I was crazy.
Marco: E’ proprio vero, it’s actually true that “il fine giustifica i mezzi” – “the end justifies the means.”
Cinzia: Ah, yes! I totally agree with this proverb. Actually, I agree with both these proverbs. I think that really strong passions move your heart and modify even your rationality, making you think that anything can be achieved. You know this was the golden rule of Machiavelli. Do you know Machiavelli?
Marco: Yes, of course. Machiavelli is one of our greatest poets and artists. He wrote “Il principe”, I loved it. It's one of the most important political book, which are part of Italian literature.
Cinzia: Yes, and he actually claimed that “il fine giustifica i mezzi ma con prudenza” – “the end does justifies the means but with caution.” That is we have to fight for what we trust and believe but we never have to forget the moral wisdom.
Marco: Oh yes, this is so true. I really appreciate everything of Machiavelli’s literature. And also I agree but I really don't know if I would have done what you did.
Cinzia: Hey Marco. L’amore. Love. “Gira tutto intorno all’amore” - everything revolves around love. And in fact, “chi non risica non rosica”.
Marco: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” You really ventured far for love.
Cinzia: Yes, but we have to tell our listeners that Risicare is not such a common Italian verb. And that you only usually hear it in this proverb.
Marco: Exactly. Risicare in modern Italian would be Rischiare – “to risk”, “to venture on”.
Cinzia: Yes, it probably comes from the ancient Greek word Risiko which means “fate”, “destiny”. But there are also some linguist controversy, so some other linguists claim that Risicare comes from the Latin Reseculare, which means “to sever”, “to cut”. So, both can be considered valid.
Marco: Bellissimo, really bellissimo. I think we’ve exceeded ourselves for today. What a long lesson. So let's take a look at the vocabulary now.
Cinzia: Okay.
Marco: First.
Cinzia: Il.
Marco: “The”, singular definite article.
Cinzia: Il. Il.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Fine.
Marco: End.
Cinzia: Fine. Fine.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Giustifica.
Marco: Justifies.
Cinzia: Giustifica. Giustifica.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: I.
Marco: “The”, plural definite article.
Cinzia: I. I.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Mezzi.
Marco: Means.
Cinzia: Mezzi. Mezzi.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: In.
Marco: In.
Cinzia: In. In.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Guerra.
Marco: War
Cinzia: Guerra. Guerra.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: E.
Marco: And.
Cinzia: E. E.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Amore.
Marco: Love.
Cinzia: Amore. Amore.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Tutto.
Marco: Everything.
Cinzia: Tutto. Tutto.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: E’.
Marco: Is.
Cinzia: E’. E’.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Lecito.
Marco: Legal, licit.
Cinzia: Lecito. Lecito.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Chi.
Marco: Who.
Cinzia: Chi. Chi.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Non.
Marco: Not.
Cinzia: Non. Non.
Marco: Next word.
Cinzia: Risica.
Marco: He/she risks, he/she dares.
Cinzia: Risica. Risica.
Marco: And last word…
Cinzia: Rosica.
Marco: He/she gnaws.
Cinzia: Rosica. Rosica.
Cinzia: So that's all for today's lesson. Grazie a tutti, grazie Marco e arrivederci.
Marco: Bye- bye. Thanks you very much.
Cinzia: Ciao ciao.

Review Track

