Gina:Hi everyone, I’m Gina. Chiara:And I’m Chiara! Gina:And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Italian Vocabulary, Lesson 10! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to Society &Culture. These are five well-known Italian Historical Figures. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at |
Gina:Chiara, what’s our first word? Chiara:Giulio Cesarre Gina:Julius Caesar, a Roman general, consul, and dictator Chiara:(slow) Giulio Cesarre (regular) Giulio Cesarre Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Giulio Cesarre [pause - 5 sec.] |
Gina: |
Julius Caesar was a Roman general, consul, dictator and writer, and one of the most important figures in history. "Veni, vidi, vici", meaning " I came, I saw, I conquered" was his motto. - |
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Shakespear ha scritto una tragedia intitolata "Giulio Cesare". Gina:Shakespeare wrote a tragedy called "Julius Caesar". Chiara:(slow) Shakespear ha scritto una tragedia intitolata "Giulio Cesare". |
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Giuseppe Garibaldi Gina:Giuseppe Garibaldi, a general and patriot Chiara:(slow) Giuseppe Garibaldi (regular) Giuseppe Garibaldi Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Giuseppe Garibaldi [pause - 5 sec.] |
Gina: |
Giuseppe Garibaldi was a general, a patriot and one of the most important figures of the Italian unification. He led the Expedition of the Thousand in 1860, an expedition to conquer the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. - |
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Giuseppe Garibaldi è chiamato "l'eroe dei due mondi". Gina:Giuseppe Garibaldi is called the "Hero of Two Worlds". Chiara:(slow) Giuseppe Garibaldi è chiamato "l'eroe dei due mondi". |
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Cristoforo Colombo Gina:Christopher Columbus, a navigator and explorer Chiara:(slow) Cristoforo Colombo (regular) Cristoforo Colombo Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Cristoforo Colombo [pause - 5 sec.] |
Gina: |
Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator and explorer. His voyages across the ocean led to the discovery of the American continents. He departed with 3 ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña . - |
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) La Colombia prende il nome da Cristoforo Colombo. Gina:Colombia takes its name from Christopher Columbus. Chiara:(slow) La Colombia prende il nome da Cristoforo Colombo. |
Gina:Okay, what’s the next word? Chiara:Nerone Gina:Nero, a Roman emperor Chiara:(slow) Nerone (regular) Nerone Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Nerone [pause - 5 sec.] |
Gina: |
Nero was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 54 to 68 AD. He is famous for his madness and for burning down Rome.His tyrannical acts include executing his mother and poisoning his brother. - |
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Nerone ha costruito una casa d'oro chiamata "Domus Aurea". Gina:Nero built a golden house called "Domus Aurea". Chiara:(slow) Nerone ha costruito una casa d'oro chiamata "Domus Aurea". |
Gina:Okay, what’s the last word? Chiara:Lorenzo de' Medici Gina:Lorenzo de' Medici, a politician and patron of the arts Chiara:(slow) Lorenzo de' Medici (regular) Lorenzo de' Medici Gina:Listeners, please repeat: Chiara:Lorenzo de' Medici [pause - 5 sec.] |
Gina: |
Lorenzo de' Medici was known as Lorenzo the Magnificent. At his court worked artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli and Michelangelo. - |
Gina:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word. Chiara:(normal) Lorenzo de' Medici era il signore di Firenze durante il Rinascimento. Gina:Lorenzo de' Medici was the ruler of Florence during the Renaissance. Chiara:(slow) Lorenzo de' Medici era il signore di Firenze durante il Rinascimento. |
Gina:Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Chiara will give you the Italian - please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready? |
Chiara:Giulio Cesarre [pause]Gina:Julius Caesar, a Roman general, consul, and dictator |
Chiara:Giuseppe Garibaldi [pause]Gina:Giuseppe Garibaldi, a general and patriot |
Chiara:Cristoforo Colombo [pause]Gina:Christopher Columbus, a navigator and explorer |
Chiara:Nerone [pause]Gina:Nero, a Roman emperor |
Chiara:Lorenzo de' Medici [pause]Gina:Lorenzo de' Medici, a politician and patron of the arts |
Gina:There you have it - five Historical Figures in Italy! We have more vocab lists available at, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time! |
Chiara:Ciao. |
HideDo you know any other famous Italian historical figures?
Ciao Elaine,
Che bello! Non lo sapeevo!
Wow! I didn't know that!
Grazie per il tuo commento! Thank you for your comment!:smile:
A presto,
Ciao tutti!
In fatto, c'è una statua di Giuseppe Garibaldi in "Washington Square Parco, in Manhattan, New York città, U.S.A,
ha eretto 2005!
Questo corso è MOLTO interessante!
Elaine Roach