Lesson Transcript

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to ItalianPod101.com.
My name is Desy.
Mi chiamo Desy.
And in this video, we're going to talk about colors.
I colori.
So if you want to know which is my favorite color,
I know you probably don't really care,
but you have to keep watching.
First of all, let me teach you some useful adjectives
that you can use with every color,
and then we're going to check together the colors themselves.
So a color, un colore, can be
può essere, un colore, può essere
chiaro or scuro.
Chiaro, bright, chiaro, or scuro.
Dark, scuro, dark.
Chiaro, scuro, chiaro, bright, scuro.
Dark, for example, spoiler,
blu, scuro, blu, scuro.
Or blu, chiaro, blu, chiaro.
Light blue or deep blue, dark blue.
Of course, we also have cold colors,
colori freddi, freddi, colori freddi,
as in freddo, cold,
or colori caldi, colori caldi.
Hot, warm, warm colors, colori caldi.
Now, for every color, I'm going to try and put that into a phrase
that is more or less famous, okay?
So you're not only going to learn about colors,
but about famous ways of saying.
How do you like that?
Let's start with the colors that are technically not colors, right?
So we have black, nero, nero, nero come la notte, nero come la notte.
Nero, black, as night, come la notte, as the night, nero come la notte.
On the contrary, we have bianco, bianco, white, bianco, bianco come la neve,
white as snow, bianco come la neve, snow.
In fact, snow white is bianca neve, bianca neve in Italian.
And if we want to put the two colors or the two non-colors together,
we can say, mettere nero su bianco, mettere nero su bianco.
So basically, to put black on white, which means to write down, to record,
not to just talk about something, but to have it written down, where we can see that.
Mettere nero su bianco, to state, basically.
Moving on with real colors, we have verde, verde, green, verde.
L'erba del vicino è sempre più verde.
L'erba, the grass, del vicino, of the neighbor, è sempre, is always, più verde, greener, right?
Actually, in English would be, the grass is always greener on the other side.
We say, the neighbor's grass, it's always greener.
L'erba del vicino è sempre più verde.
L'erba del vicino è sempre più verde.
giallo, giallo, yellow, be careful if there is no I in between, is gallo, gallo, which is the animal.
So giallo, for example, l'arbitro ha dato un cartellino giallo.
The referee gave a yellow card, un cartellino giallo.
Yellow card, arbitro, referee.
L'arbitro ha dato un cartellino giallo.
arancione, orange
arancione, arancione, l'arancione è il colore dell'autunno.
Orange is the color of autumn, autunno.
l'arancione è il colore dell'autunno.
As a pumpkin, right?
Pumpkin, by the way, is zucca, zucca.
Blue, as I said before, is blue, yes.
The ocean is deep blue, deep blue.
Intenso actually means intense, right?
But we can use it for colors as well.
Blue intenso or blu scuro.
Blu chiaro can also be called azzurro, azzurro.
Like the sky is azzurro, light blue, which is my favorite color.
But I'm going to talk about that later as well.
Now, talking about sky.
Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera.
Rosso di sera, red at night.
Bel tempo, good weather, si spera.
Inside, but literally means we hope, it's hoped.
There is hope for good weather if it's red at night.
Red sky at night, good weather inside.
Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera.
Rosso, rosso, red.
While rosa, rosa is pink, pink, rosa.
Be careful because when you're using rosso, since these words can be used as adjectives as well,
if you say, for example, macchina rossa, so a red car,
Rosso, rosso becomes rossa, right, because macchina is feminine.
So macchina rossa is red car, while macchina rosa, rosa, is pink.
So there is no double S. Double S is for red, while just one S is for pink.
Rosa, z, rosa.
Pink is often associated with girls.
Il rosa è spesso associato alle bambine.
Viola, viola, purple, viola.
Sto cercando dei pantaloni viola.
I'm looking for purple trousers.
Sto cercando dei pantaloni viola.
Then we have grigio, grigio, grigio, gray.
Il cielo d'inverno è grigio.
Sky in winter is gray.
Il cielo d'inverno è grigio, grigio.
Marrone, marrone is brown.
Una borsa marrone è sempre utile.
A brown bag is always useful.
This is for girls especially, I guess.
A brown bag is always useful.
Una borsa marrone è sempre utile.
Borsa marrone, brown bag.
Careful with hair because, for example, while for black we say capelli neri,
for marrone we don't say marrone, I mean you can, but the technical word is castani.
Capelli castani, brown hair.
And biondi, biondi is blonde.
But this is just for hair.
Anyway, two more colors are argentato and dorato.
Give me some time to explain.
Argentato comes from argento, which is silver, argento.
So if I say la collana è d'argento, la collana, the necklace, è d'argento,
means la collana è fatta d'argento.
So the necklace is made of silver.
La collana è fatta d'argento, argento, silver.
While if I say la collana è argentata, la collana è argentata,
means that la collana è di colore argento.
So the color of the necklace is silver.
Argentato just says something about the color, while argento is the material.
Be careful about this when you're buying, especially if it's a present.
And the same goes for gold.
Oro is gold and dorato is the color, gold.
For example, earrings, gli orecchini d'oro, the earrings made of gold, orecchini d'oro.
While orecchini dorati just means that the earrings are golden, golden color.
And that being said, quale è il tuo colore preferito?
Which one is your favorite color?
Qual è il tuo colore preferito?
Il mio colore preferito è l'azzurro.
My favorite color is light blue.
But recently, ma recentemente, recentemente, recently, mi piace molto, I like a lot, il grigio, il grigio.
Ma recentemente, mi piace molto il grigio.
Recently, I like gray a lot.
Thank you for watching.
I hope this video may come to hand when you're shopping, maybe.
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I'll see you soon.
Ci vediamo presto!
Bye bye! Ciao ciao!

