
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Cinzia: Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Cinzia.
Marco: Marco here! Beginner series, Season 1, Lesson 14 - Italian Negative Commands: Don't joke! Bongiorno tutti! Hi, my name is Marco and I’m joined here by who other, who other but Elena! I mean, Cinzia.
Cinzia: Who’s this Helena, Marco?
Marco: I said Elena, not Helena. Have you got any competition by Helena, girl?
Cinzia: No, I don’t have any competition, but I would like to know who is this Elena.
Marco: Elena. No one, just a name, just to make you angry today.
Cinzia: Okay.
Marco: Come on, let’s go on. Now…
Cinzia: Thank you for asking me. I’m fine. Thanks.
Marco: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, come on. Hello everyone and welcome to the 14th lesson of the beginner series.
Cinzia: So here, we’re going to take a broad approach to the language, emphasizing listening, comprehension…
Marco: Speech, grammar…
Cinzia: Vocabulary and usage.
Marco: So, join us for this funny, funny, funny lesson of ItalianPod101.com. In this lesson, we will learn how to make the negative form of the imperative.
Cinzia: This conversation takes place in an Italian house.
Marco: And it is between Peter and Anna.
Cinzia: They are friends, therefore, they will be speaking informal Italian. I will be Anna and who are you, Marco, sorry?
Marco: Come on, I’ll be Peter.
Cinzia: All right, Peter. So let’s start!
Marco: Yes! Now, before we begin, what happened in the last episode of the beginner series?
Cinzia: I don’t remember.
Marco: Okay, I’ll give you a hint. Anna went to Peter’s house…
Cinzia: Oh, yes, yes, I remember now.
Marco: What happened in the…
Cinzia: She was asking about his brother.
Marco: Yes, and he’s angry, isn’t he?
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: And that’s why, he’s gonna start this dialogue with something interesting.
Cinzia: Okay, but I agree with Anna.
Marco: Okay then, so here is the dialogue.
Peter: Non scherzare!
Anna: Perché, qualcosa non va?
Peter: Bè ehm, vedi…
Anna: Dimmi!
Peter: E tu Anna, hai sorelle?
Anna: No, sono figlia unica.
Peter: Peccato!
Anna: Cosa vuoi dire?
Marco: Let's hear it slowly now.
Cinzia: Ascoltiamolo lentamente.
Peter: Non scherzare!
Anna: Perché, qualcosa non va?
Peter: Bè ehm, vedi…
Anna: Dimmi!
Peter: E tu Anna, hai sorelle?
Anna: No, sono figlia unica.
Peter: Peccato!
Anna: Cosa vuoi dire?
Marco: And now, with the translation.
Cinzia: E ora, con la traduzione.
Peter: Non scherzare!
Peter: Don't joke!
Anna: Perché, qualcosa non va?
Anna: Why, is there something wrong?
Peter: Bè ehm, vedi…
Peter: Well, ehm, you see…
Anna: Dimmi!
Anna: Tell me!
Peter: E tu Anna, hai sorelle?
Peter: Anna, do you have any sisters?
Anna: No, sono figlia unica.
Anna: No, I’m an only child.
Peter: Peccato!
Peter: That’s too bad!
Anna: Cosa vuoi dire?
Anna: What do you mean?
Cinzia: So Marco, tell me, would you get jealous like Peter in this kind of situation?
Marco: Well, if I had a crush on someone and that someone said she like somebody close to me, I would get very mad, I think. What about you?
Cinzia: I think I would do the same.
Marco: Yes, yes, but I’m sure we’ll see in future lessons, I mean in future episodes, what will happen between Peter and Anna.
Cinzia: Hmm, I’m so curious.
Marco: Yes, stay tuned. Okay, let us take a look at today’s vocabulary.
Marco: First.
Cinzia: scherzare [natural native speed]
Marco: to joke
Cinzia: scherzare [slowly - broken down by syllable] scherzare [natural native speed]
Marco: Next
Cinzia: qualcosa [natural native speed]
Marco: something
Cinzia: qualcosa [slowly - broken down by syllable] qualcosa [natural native speed]
Marco: Next
Cinzia: figlia unica [natural native speed]
Marco: only child
Cinzia: figlia unica [slowly - broken down by syllable] figlia unica [natural native speed]
Marco: Next
Cinzia: peccato [natural native speed]
Marco: too bad
Cinzia: peccato [slowly - broken down by syllable] peccato [natural native speed]
Marco: Let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and expressions. The first word we will look at is scherzare.
Cinzia: Marco, can you give us an example sentence, please?
Marco: Certainly. Sto scherzando.
Cinzia: "I am joking."
Marco: The next word is qualcosa.
Cinzia: Let’s have an example.
Marco: Hai qualcosa da mangiare?
Cinzia: "Do you have something to eat?"
Marco: Next expression is figlia unica.
Cinzia: One example, please.
Marco: Anna è figlia unica.
Cinzia: "Anna is an only child."
Marco: Now, we have to take a look at this expression, I think.
Cinzia: Tu sei figlio unico? “Are you an only child?”
Marco: No, non sono figlio unico. “No, I’m not an only child.” Now, be careful listeners, because I am a male, so I would say figlio unico. Figlio ends in “o” and unico ends in “o,” while Cinzia would say…
Cinzia: figlia unica
Marco: So, figlia ends in “a” and unica ends in “a.” This is because the adjective unico has to match the gender of the noun it follows.
Cinzia: Ah, very interesting! Let’s move on now.
Marco: The next word we will see is peccato.
Cinzia: And the example is…
Marco: È un peccato.
Cinzia: “It’s too bad.”
Marco: What else can we say about this word, Marco?
Cinzia: Peccato has other meanings, right? Yes, yes, you’re right, Marco. I use it very often, actually.
Marco: Really? Meaning what?
Cinzia: Yes! For example, “Oh, such a shame” or “It’s a pity.”
Marco: So, it can mean “too bad, ashamed, a pity,” and one more meaning that’s actually a bit far from these.
Cinzia: Yes, definitely far.
Marco: And it has religious connotations, right?
Cinzia: Marco, have you seen the movie, The Original Sin?
Marco: I haven’t, actually.
Cinzia: You should.
Marco: Really?
Cinzia: Yes.
Marco: And how do we say the original sin in Italian?
Cinzia: il peccato originale
Marco: So, peccato also means “sin.”
Cinzia: Yes, exactly.
Marco: So, for example, “the seven capital sins” are translated in Italian as…
Cinzia: I sette peccati capitali. Interesting topic.
Marco: Yes. So many meanings in this word. So many sinful meanings in this word.
Cinzia: Okay then, this wraps it up for the vocabulary usage.
Marco: Let’s take a look at the grammar.

Lesson focus

Cinzia: So today, we will learn about the negative imperative.
Marco: Now, to make the negative form of the imperative, for the first person plural (noi, “we”) and the second person plural (voi, “you”), you need to add non. I repeat, you need to add non, that is the English “not” before the conjugated verb.
Cinzia: For the first conjugation, -ARE; with the verb raccontare “to tell,” what do we have?
Marco: Well, we would have noi non raccontiamo, voi non raccontate.
Cinzia: Yes. And be careful because you can omit noi and voi and simply say non raccontiamo and non raccontate.
Marco: Perfect! So, let’s also explain to our listeners the second conjugation , -ERE; prendere “to take.”
Cinzia: Noi non prendiamo, voi non prendete.
Marco: Perfect! And now, let’s take a look at…
Cinzia: The third conjugation, -IRE, and we have the verb sentire “to listen, hear, feel.”
Marco: Noi non sentiamo, voi non sentite.
Cinzia: Benissimo, Marco.
Marco: Grazie, grazie. Where are the applauses? Where are the applauses?
Cinzia: So, dear listeners, please don’t forget that you can still omit noi and voi and simply use the non + the verb conjugated.
Marco: Yes. Okay, but moving on, this was only for the first person plural noi and second person plural voi. What about the second person singular tu?
Cinzia: This is pretty different from others, isn’t it, Marco?
Marco: Yes. Because the negative form of the imperative for tu, I repeat, tu “you” singular is built with non + the infinitive of the verb.
Cinzia: Exactly, Marco.
Marco: So, for example, Cinzia, what will we have with the first conjugation -ARE, raccontare “to tell”?
Cinzia: Tu non raccontare or omitting the subject, non raccontare.
Marco: Perfect, very easy. I mean, it’s just that non + the infinitive. What about don’t eat? Always a verb in the first conjugation.
Cinzia: non mangiare
Marco: That’s so easy. What about “speak”?
Cinzia: Non parlare, Marco.
Marco: I was gonna say something, but you cut me off. Okay. So, it’s so easy, listeners. This is very, very easy. Now, let’s take a look at…
Cinzia: The second conjugation, -ERE; prendere “to take.”
Marco: Tu non prendere or just non prendere. And lastly, the third conjugation -IRE; sentire “to listen, hear, feel.”
Cinzia: Tu non sentire or omitting the subject, non sentire.
Marco: Now, that’s so easy, isn’t it?
Cinzia: Yes, it’s very easy.
Marco: non parlare
Cinzia: non gridare
Marco: Non gridare means “don’t shout” and I’m sorry if I shouted, Cinzia.
Cinzia: Yes, please, don’t shout at me, Marco.
Marco: Okay then. Well, we hope we made it clear because it’s really easy, especially the tu for the second person singular as it’s the most commonly used.
Cinzia: That’s right, Marco. This time, I have nothing to say.
Marco: Brava, non parlare.
Cinzia: Hmm, okay.


Cinzia: So, this closes the lesson.
Marco: So, have a nice day!
Cinzia: Buona giornata a tutti, ciao!
Marco: Ciao!

