In this set of 6 lessons, you will learn the very basics about Italian pronunciation. We break down all the sounds to make it easy for you to master Italian pronunciation!
Absolute Beginner



In this set of 6 lessons, you will learn the very basics about Italian pronunciation. We break down all the sounds to make it easy for you to master Italian pronunciation!

  Title Topic Function Summary
#1 The Italian Alphabet Alphabets Learning alphbets Italian Alphabet
#2 Italian Vowels Vowels Learning what sounds the vowels make Basic vowels (-a, -e, -i, -o / closed, -o / opened, u)
#3 Italian Consonants Consonants Learning what sounds the consonants make Occlusive Consonants, Continuous Consonants, Affricates
#4 Specific Italian Consonants Consonants Learning about specific consonants How to Pronounce Specific Consonants and Consonant Groups
#5 Pronouncing the Letter -s, Diphthongs, and the Hiatus Particles Learning about the Letter -s, Diphthongs, and the Hiatus Pronouncing the Letter –S, Diphthongs, and the Hiatus.
#6 Accents! Accents Learning about Italian Accents Parole Piane, Parole Sdrucciole, Parola sdrucciola, Parole Tronche, Parola tronca, Parole Bisdrucciole, Parola bisdrucciola