
Learn Italian with Free Daily
Audio and Video Lessons!

Want Italian Progress? You Need To Spring Into Action

Hello Listener, Your Italian progress depends on one thing. Your willingness to spring into action and go after it. Don’t have the confidence to speak Italian? Tune into a ItalianPod101 lesson and mimic the conversation ‘til you get it right. Can’t talk about your favorite topics? You need more words. Visit the 2,000 core word list and drill the words with flashcards. Want to start mastering Italian? It’s all here at ItalianPod101, but you must go after it! Get 25% OFF ALL Basic and Premium subscriptions until May 31st, 2013! 24-month Premium is as low as $7.50/month and 24-month Basic is just $3.00/month! Spring Into Action Sale! Click Here To Save 25% at ItalianPod101 ! How Does It Work? Here’s the deal. You... Show more

WordPower for Your Mac: Your Complete Italian Vocabulary and Culture Course

Hi Listener, Users ask this all time. “What’s one Italian Mac app of yours I should try?” To which we say... “Uh... We have a lot!” But if you’re saying... “My goal’s to speak more Italian. I need to boost my vocabulary and track my progress. What do you have for me?” Get WordPower Italian for the Mac. It’s our single most downloaded Italian Mac App. And it’s just been updated. WordPower Version 4.0: Not Just an Update, It’s a Brand New App New! Click Here To See WordPower Italian in the Mac App Store! WordPower is your complete Italian vocabulary and culture course. It’s fully redesigned and rebuilt based on years of helpful user feedback. You get double the amount of Italian words with the Italian local list,... Show more

WordPower For Android! 2,000 Italian Words & The Tools To Master Them All

Hi Android Users! You’ve pleaded with us to get our Android act together. Some of you have been asking nicely. Others...well, not so nicely but we don’t hold it against you! You just wanted the best Italian Vocabulary app for your mobile learning. Well, today must be your lucky day because the wait is over! WordPower Italian Is Finally Available Android! That’s 2,000 Italian words, the tools to master them fast, a dose Italian culture and it’s All On Your Android Device. What’s New? WordPower Italian is completely redesigned for Android phones and tablets. We’ve also doubled the amount of words with the Italian Local List. What’s that? The Italian Local List contains words and phrases specifically related to Italian... Show more

Earth Day Special: Expand Your Mind, Not Your Carbon Footprint with 31% OFF Premium Italian

Happy Earth Day Listener! Think about this: The average Italian student will buy more than 3 heavy textbooks, 70 packs of flashcards and get at least 1 bulky CD-Software package delivered to their home from who knows where. And with millions of self motivated learners just like you —well, you can see how entire forests are impacted in the name of self-improvement. But it doesn’t need to be like that. With ItalianPod101, you don’t need to worry about carbon footprints, textbooks or wasting paper of any kind. Our effective and fun online system gives you access to all 780+ lessons via your computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet! No printing, no shipping and no more wasted flashcards. Expand Your Mind While... Show more

Power Up Your Italian With Premium

Hello Listener, You know your Italian is running low when you... have to stop and think before you speak don’t have the words to say what you want to lose track of a conversation in minutes So how do you power your Italian up? Textbooks won’t do it. Software can’t help. Only real life Italian conversation lessons will. Native speakers that translate, explain and teach you how to respond will. At ItalianPod101, you jump directly into the conversation and master it from Beginner to Advanced. So, Power Up Your Italian with ItalianPod101! Get 31% OFF Premium until April 26th, 2013. Power up with this discount and learn the only Italian that matters - real life Italian. At 31% OFF,... Show more

Announcing the Lighter, Faster and More Mobile-Friendly Lesson Notes!

Why do Italian learners keep coming back to For our fast, fresh and fun audio and video lessons, of course! But did you know that an important part of our lessons is the PDF lesson notes? These printable lesson notes are a crucial part of our online learning system. For visual learners, they’re a must! So that’s why we embarked on a long journey to improve the PDF Lesson Notes so that you, our valued listeners, will have the very best Italian learning experience at ItalianPod101. So what’s new? Glad you asked! Here’s what you’ll find with the updated PDF Lesson Notes: Completely Mobile Friendly – View with no problems, both iOS and Android RIP Lesson Notes Lite – PDFs now display reliably... Show more

Swap Your Italian Textbook For An Audiobook, Only $6.99

Hello Listener, Good at reading Italian? Not so good at speaking? Yep. A regular textbook will do that to you. With An Italian Audiobook... You Master Both Speaking and Reading Today ONLY, save 30% on ALL Audiobooks! For as low as $6.99, you get your Audiobook instantly and start speaking and reading Italian minutes later. And get this: Audiobooks work on any device – computer, tablet, smartphone or e-reader! I Want To See the Audiobooks! Click Here to Stock Up and SAVE! (Your 30% discount is automatically applied at checkout) This Is Pay-Less, Pain-Free Italian. You skip outdated grammar rules. You skip the embarrassing pronunciation mistakes of textbook learners. You jump into Italian... Show more

The Italian You Hear Is The Italian You Speak – Get 24 OFF 24 at ItalianPod101!

Hello Listener, If you've heard at least one ItalianPod101 lesson by now, then you know this: The Italian you hear is the Italian you speak. That’s why users love our system. You jump into real-life Italian conversation. We walk you through it all, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced. And until March 29th, 2013 you save up to $55 on the most effective Italian course. Start Mastering Italian! Get 24% OFF All 24-Month Subscriptions. That’s 24% OFF 24-month Basic and Premium subscriptions until March 29th, 2013. Most learners subscribe at full price. They’re motivated to learn Italian regardless of price. But you want to learn for less, right? Click Here To Save 24% On Basic and Premium Subscriptions! Start Speaking... Show more

Bundle Up Your Italian And Get A Free Audiobook!

Hello Listener, Feeling a little chilly this winter? You better bundle up to warm up! But when your Italian gets chilly and you’re not speaking and learning as fast as you’d like... Bundle your Italian up the fast, fun, and easy way with the ItalianPod101 Bundle! What’s the ItalianPod101 Bundle? That’s 28% OFF any Basic or Premium subscription PLUS a FREE Italian Audiobook ($19.99 value). But only until February 28th, 2013. Click Here To Bundle Up Your Italian! Get 28% OFF and a FREE Audiobook! Bundle Up Your Italian! Any experienced learner will tell you that if you conquer more Italian material, you’ll speak better Italian. Audiobooks, audio lessons, flashcards, word-lists, studying ‘til 2 a.m... it’s all practice, it... Show more

Be Our Italian Valentine & Learn Italian!

Hello Listener, You and I, we make a pretty good team. You love the Italian language. We love helping you conquer it. You love the lessons with real-life Italian conversations. We have a blast making them. You love seeing your Italian skills grow. And we do too. So this Valentine’s Day, we must pop the question. Will you be our Italian Valentine? Say Yes by February 15th, 2013 and Get 30% OFF all Premium Subscriptions Take our hand and we’ll walk you through the Italian language! With a Premium Subscription, you unlock the best of what ItalianPod101 has to offer – Complete Lesson Archive Access, In-Depth Lesson Notes and Premium Study Tools. Hurry! This offer is for 3 days only! Say Yes & Start Right Now! ... Show more