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Archive for the 'Working in Italy' Category

How to Find a Job in Italy: Work in Italy in No Time

Italy is best known as a holiday destination. With its 7.500 kilometres of coast (much of which consists of beaches), majestic mountains, amazing cities, and stunning countryside, it’s by definition a place to spend some time doing nothing but enjoying it all. And let’s not start talking about the food and wine! Well, for some people all of these are also good reasons to move to Italy and start a new life there. Especially if they also have an Italian significant other. But how can you work in Italy as a foreigner? Where should you start looking for a job? Here on ItalianPod101, we’ll explain how to move to Italy and get a job. So, if you’re planning to start your own Dolce Vita, just keep on reading to learn about finding jobs in... Show more

Do People Understand Where You’re Coming From in Italy?

Imagine you have landed in Italy and are out and meeting people and exploring your surroundings. After you say "Ciao!" ( the equivalent to 'Hello' in English), your Italian friend may become more curious about you and your origins. And if your new friend asks you: Da dove vieni?  Don't be surprised! Your friend just wants to know where you come from. Da dove vieni? (informal) or Da dove viene? (formal), translates to "Where do you come from?"  In this case, you should answer with your country of origin. For example: Vengo dall'Italia (I come from Italy) You may also hear Di dove sei?, which also means  "Where do you come from?" , with the small difference that Di dove sei? requires a more specific location, and you should... Show more

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year From ItalianPod101.com!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from everyone here at ItalianPod101.com! We're grateful to have listeners just like you, and we're eagerly waiting for the upcoming year to learn Italian together! And when the New Year comes around, be sure to make a resolution to study Italian with ItalianPod101.com! Have a healthy and happy holiday season. From the ItalianPod101.com team!