ItalianPod101 Featured In’s “Top 10 US podcasts for road trip listening”

Hi Listeners,

Done with a lesson? Take a look back at the new conversation, grammar, and vocab you’ve mastered.

It’s always great to stop and see the results in your language learning! Or rather, hearing the results when you’re speaking a new language!

Likewise, for us, it’s great to know that someone’s language is progressing with the help of our lessons.

This past July, we’ve been graciously listed in Top 10 US podcasts for road trip listening in, one of the most read newspapers in the UK.

Below is an excerpt:

I’m sure people think I’m crazy when they see me talking to myself as I drive. Imagine what they’d think if they knew I was doing it in Italian? Listen to native speakers conducting conversations, and imagine yourself sipping un doppio cappuccino at a cafe in Piazza Navona. After you’ve ordered in Italian, of course! Go at your own pace, pick subjects or phrases you need to know for an upcoming trip or for a conversation with a friend, and repeat lessons as often as necessary.

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Crazy or not, talking to yourself is one effective way to boost your speaking skills and remember the language you’ve learned!

We’d like to thank Salena Lettera at The Guardian for putting us in her top 10 Podcasts. This motivates us to produce more fun, fast, and easy language lessons.

To read the complete article, click here.

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To your fluency,
