
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Consuelo: Ciao a tutti!
Marco: Marco here! Beginner Season 2 , Lesson 14 - Not Only Will You Like This - You Will LOVE This Italian Lesson!
Marco: Hello, and welcome to the Beginner Series S2 at ItalianPOD101.com, where we study modern Italian in a fun, educational format!
Consuelo: So, brush up on the Italian that you started learning long ago, or start learning today.
Marco: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson. Consuelo, what are we looking at in this lesson.
Marco: In this lesson, we will be studying Italian correlative conjunctions, delving into non solo ma anche.
Consuelo: This conversation takes place out of the bakery.
Marco: The conversation is between Elena and Carlo, her brother.
Consuelo: The speakers are siblings; therefore, they will be speaking informally.
Marco: Now, if you're listening on an iPod...
Consuelo: or an iTouch or iPhone...
Marco: click the center button of the iPod or tap the screen on an iTouch or iPhone, to see the notes for this lesson while you listen!
Consuelo: Read along, while you listen.
Marco: This technique will help you remember faster! Okay...
Marco: Let's listen to the conversation.
Elena: Ciao Carlo...
Carlo: Scusami Elena, c'era un traffico incredibile per venire qui.
Elena: (sbuffa) Okay, okay...
Carlo: Oh, accidenti...ho dimenticato il...
Elena: Carlo…quindi non solo sei in ritardo, ma hai anche dimenticato di portarmi il CD che mi avevi promesso.
Carlo: Scusami Ele.
Elena: Sei sempre distratto. Ora pensi alle ragazze, ora ad andarti a divertire.
Carlo: Dai non arrabbiarti.
Elena: Va bene, va bene, per stavolta ti perdono.
Carlo: Grazie!
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Elena: Ciao Carlo...
Carlo: Scusami Elena, c'era un traffico incredibile per venire qui.
Elena: (sbuffa) Okay, okay...
Carlo: Oh, accidenti...ho dimenticato il...
Elena: Carlo…quindi non solo sei in ritardo, ma hai anche dimenticato di portarmi il CD che mi avevi promesso.
Carlo: Scusami Ele.
Elena: Sei sempre distratto. Ora pensi alle ragazze, ora ad andarti a divertire.
Carlo: Dai non arrabbiarti.
Elena: Va bene, va bene, per stavolta ti perdono.
Carlo: Grazie!
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Elena: Ciao Carlo...
Marco: Hi Carlo...
Carlo: Scusami Elena, c'era un traffico incredibile per venire qui.
Marco: Sorry Elena, there was terrible traffic on the way here.
Elena: (sbuffa) Okay, okay...
Marco: (fumes) Okay, okay...
Carlo: Oh, accidenti...ho dimenticato il...
Marco: Oh, damn...I forgot the...
Elena: Carlo…quindi non solo sei in ritardo, ma hai anche dimenticato di portarmi il CD che mi avevi promesso.
Marco: Carlo…so not only are you late, but you've also forgotten to bring me the CD you promised me.
Carlo: Scusami Ele.
Marco: Sorry Ele.
Elena: Sei sempre distratto. Ora pensi alle ragazze, ora ad andarti a divertire.
Marco: You're always distracted. One minute you think about girls, the next one about going to have fun.
Carlo: Dai non arrabbiarti.
Marco: Come on. Don't be mad at me.
Elena: Va bene, va bene, per stavolta ti perdono.
Marco: All right, all right, I forgive you this time.
Carlo: Grazie!
Marco: Thank you!
Marco: Cristiano, do you ever lend your CDs to your friends?
Cris: Yes, that's something I like to do, although sometimes someone forgets to give them back…
Marco: And what about compilation tapes, do you remember them?
Cris: Oh, that makes me so nostalgic Marco, we're going back right into the eighties here.
Marco: When people were spending days to create a good compilation for the girl they liked at that time.
Cris: And more often than not the girl doesn't like the music he chose!
Marco: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Consuelo: traffico [natural native speed]
Marco: traffic
Consuelo: traffico [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: traffico [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: dimenticare [natural native speed]
Marco: to forget, to leave behind
Consuelo: dimenticare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: dimenticare [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: ritardo [natural native speed]
Marco: delay, lateness
Consuelo: ritardo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: ritardo [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: arrabbiarsi [natural native speed]
Marco: to be, get angry
Consuelo: arrabbiarsi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: arrabbiarsi [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: distrarsi [natural native speed]
Marco: to be distracted
Consuelo: distrarsi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: distrarsi [natural native speed]
: Next:
Consuelo: perdonare [natural native speed]
Marco: to forgive
Consuelo: perdonare [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Consuelo: perdonare [natural native speed]
Marco: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Marco: Cristiano, what are we looking at today?
Cris: Today we'll focus on the word "dimenticare."
Marco: It means, "to forget," right?
Cris: Yes. The usage varies according to the word right after the verb.
Marco: So what if it's a verb?
Cris: In that case, we should put the particle "di" and the verb in its infinitive form. For example, "I forgot to eat" will be…
Marco: "Ho dimenticato di mangiare."
Cris: That's it.
Marco: And what about when the following word is a noun?
Cris: In that case, just putting the noun with its article can be fine!
Marco: Like "Ho dimenticato la penna."
Cris: "I forgot the pen."
Marco: Okay Cristiano, that's clear, thanks!

Lesson focus

The Focus of This Lesson Is on "congiunzioni coordinative correlative" ("Coordinative Correlative Conjunctions")
Cris: Let's take a look at today's grammar point.
Marco: Today we are going to continue with the study of the
Cris: "congiunzioni coordinative correlative"
Marco: coordinative correlative conjunctions.
Marco: The coordinative correlative conjunctions are those conjunctions that join two (rarely more) words or phrases, thus relating each element in reciprocal terms.
Their meaning and usage is exactly the same as their English counterparts.
Cris: The "congiunzioni correlative" are always used in couple, unless they are part of peculiar expressions including adverbs or other conjunctions.
Marco: In today's class, we will study the couple
Cris: "non solo…ma anche"
Marco: This couple is used to join two or more words or phrases, with particular emphasis on the second term. As its English equivalent, it does not emphasize the second term over the first
Cris: "Non solo sei in ritardo, ma hai anche dimenticato di portarmi i cd!"
Marco: "Not only you are late, but you've also forgotten to bring me the CDs!"
Cris: "Lei non ha solo studiato italiano, ma ha anche vissuto in Italia."
Marco: "Not only has she studied Italian, but she also lived in Italy."
Cris: "Non solo avevo perso il portafoglio, ma avevo anche lasciato il cellulare a casa."
Marco: "Not only had I lost the wallet, but I also left the mobile at home."
Marco: The couple "ora…ora" indicates the random alternation of elements it introduces. Although it may be used both in formal and informal Italian, this couple may be translated in English differently according to the context it is inserted into.
For instance...
Cris: "Lui è sempre distratto ora pensa alla ragazza, ora ad andare a divertirsi."
Marco: literally, "He is always self-absorbed; now he thinks about the girlfriend, now about going to have fun."
Or… "He is always self-absorbed; one minute he thinks about the girlfriend, the next about going to have fun."
Cris: "Il clima inglese è molto particolare, ora piove, ora c'è il sole."
Marco: Literally, "British weather is really peculiar; now it rains, now it's sunny."
Or… "British weather is really peculiar; first it rains, and then it's sunny."
Cris: "Il mio gatto è imprevedibile ora dorme, ora miagola."
Marco: Literally, "My cat is unpredictable; now he sleeps, now he meows."
Or… "My cat is unpredictable; one minute he sleeps, the next he meows."


Marco: That just about does it for today.
Marco: Consuelo, I'd like to share a study tip a listener shared with us.
Consuelo: Ahh, you're talking about the student who uses just the conversation tracks to review the lessons.
Marco: Consuelo, you read my mind.
Consuelo: (laughter)
Marco: Yep a listener of ours listens to each lesson several times,
Consuelo: Then afterward, get the conversation only track from our site.
Marco: She then listens to them on shuffle again and again. She created her own immersion program using ItalianPod101.com.
Consuelo: This is a great idea. Please give it a try and let us know what you think?
Marco: okay...
Marco: Ciao
Consuelo: A presto!

